Multigrain Crackers and Almond Butter - Recipe/Walk-through

in #food6 years ago (edited)

What's the time? It's snack time! Snack time is one of my favorite times because I have snack time throughout the day between meals. Snack time isn't time to eat a bunch of crap though. No no no! Put that bag of Cheetos down! Snack time is a time for healthy snacks. Like fruit, vegetables and nuts...or in this case, Multigrain Crackers with Almond Butter!


This is two ingredient recipe which even a person with severe allergies to kitchens can throw together. But I swear these snacks taste better when someone else makes them. Kind of like how a peanut butter and jelly sandwich tastes like heaven when your mom makes it...but tastes "meh" when you make it. Mom's have that special touch.



You'll first grab the ol' plastic container of almond butter. For this recipe I used Barney Butter - Smooth Almond Butter. I can't speak for their crunchy almond butter but I do know this is the crem de la crem of almond butters. Smooth. Creamy. Delicious. With some almond butters you open up the jar and are met with a whole sea of oil floating on the top, the butter part is grainy and it's just yuck. Not so with Barney's stuff. I can see Barney and I hanging out eating this stuff on my back porch while we pontificate on smoothness and creaminess. I need to reach out to him.

Anyway, the vehicle which will bring that delicious almond butter into your drooling waiting mouths includes the delectable Trader Joe's Multigrain Crackers. These crackers pack just enough flavor to be delicious but not so much that they take away from the almond butters superior palate pleasing yumminess. Plus, they are a little more healthy than other options like graham crackers or Ritz crackers. I even like to eat these bad boys plain at times. Best to use a plate though. My wife gets pissed when there's a trail of cracker crumbs from the kitchen to the office.


Once your ingredients are presented on the countertop you may commence the buttering of the crackers. I find that it's helpful to announce to your household what you are doing. "I am now commencing the buttering of the cracker!", I yell out from our kitchen. "Dad, be quiet! We're trying to play Fortnite!", is the usual response from my sons. Sigh. I find that I use about a teaspoon of butter per sandwich. Naturally, you can put however much you want. Cram those crackers full of almond butter until it's yummy sticky goodness is running down your fingers and gets all over your beard for all I care. If you are a lady with a beard it's OK. I won't judge.


After the crackers are prepared it's time to eat them. Don't waste any time admiring them. The longer they sit the more likely your kids or pets will get at them. And believe me, they won't pull any punches. Those mini almond butter sandwiches will be gone.



  • 10 Trader Joe's Multigrain Crackers (Or any cracker that you enjoy)
  • 5 Tsp of Barney Butter - Smooth Almond Butter

And that's it! Follow my directions above and you will be beaming with how gifted you are in the kitchen and how yummy this snack can be. Thanks for reading and drop any questions about the ingredients or procedure into the comment section below.



Put some honey on there! Almond butter and honey is one of my favorite things ever.

And while you're at it make an almond butter and honey sammich...
Then cook it like grilled cheese. (You know where to find me to say thank you once you've tried it. ;) )

Holy crap. I never thought of that! Honey! I will try it.

Best to use a plate though. My wife gets pissed when there's a trail of cracker crumbs from the kitchen to the office.

Lol, she gets pissed because she cares :)

So, when you're spreading the Barney butter, which direction does the schmear go: clockwise or counter-clockwise? These details can make or break a cracker-based sandwich...

Damn it. I’m completely sorry for leaving out that detail. The knife, assuming you’re holding it in your right hand, will pull across the cracker from front to back. If any butter remains on the knife I just use the edge of the cracker to remove it. If the knife is in your left hand you will go in a counter clockwise motion to both remove the butter and smear it over the crack. Lefties are just weird in that way. Thanks for the comment!

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