Cheerios with Strawberries and Almond Milk - Recipe/Walk-Through

in #food6 years ago

This recipe was handed down to me from my grandfather many moons ago. His father handed it down to him and his father to him. It's a family ultra-secret recipe so I'm hoping you won't share this with anyone. I'm trusting you, don't let me down. OK, that's bullshit. I normally just eat plain Cheerios with almond milk but this evening I looked in the fridge and saw the strawberries. My wife would be pissed if I let them go bad so in they go.



There are only 3 ingredients in this recipe. First we have a box of plain Cheerios which creates a landscape that anchors the rest of the participants in this delicious meal. Next we have plump juicy strawberries lending some exciting color and a healthy dose of vitamin C. And finally a carton of Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk which will marry the other two ingredients into yummy goodness that'll make you smack your momma. [no mommas were hurt in the making of this post]



While this recipe takes next to no time to create I recommend you take care to ooze tons of love into its preparation. The Cheerios know if your love is sincere or not. Love the hell out of 'em!

  • The first step is to pour a healthy mound of Cheerios into your favorite cereal bowl. Don't hold back baby! Pour 'em in!
  • The next step is to rinse the strawberries off with cool water. When the strawberries are clean you can cut off the little green hat from each of them then cut the hatless strawberries into thin slices. Let those delicious red slices of goodness fall onto your mound of Cheerios like Scrooge McDuck diving into his gold.


  • The final step is to pour the Almond Milk into the bowl, filling it to whatever level you like. Some people like to maintain as much crunchiness as possible and use less milk. Some like to have a lot of milk left over so they can slurp it up after all the cereal and strawberries are consumed. You control your destiny.


And that my friends is the infamous Cheerios with Strawberries and Almond Milk recipe known around the world as...Cheerios with Strawberries and Almond Milk. Hmm...they should make that into a movie.

Honestly, you can put any fruit in there you like. Blueberries...Raspberries...Blackberries...Bananas...Oranges...wait, no, don't put Oranges in there. That might be gross. Whatever you put in your cereal it should be a delicious breakfast item or late night snack. I ate mine while watching playoff hockey.


What do you put in your cereal?


Thank you so much for this detailed recipe, the pictures really help me to make sure I don’t screw it up somehow... much appreciated.

I’m dying by the way....

I really need to learn how to do gifs.

I know right? Is it sad that I'm documenting everything (pictures and text) in order to make a post out of it? I am putting heart into it and trying to make it interesting at least. :)'s how I take the .mov files from my phone and turn them into gif's

I’ve never been much of a cereal kind of person. I do prefer strawberries or a banana in my oatmeal. A little dash of brown sugar some days.

When ever I did eat cereal it was always something bad for my health loaded with sugar and bunch of other nonsense like frosted flakes lol.

That is great you are finding a healthy way to enjoy breakfast.

Yes, I ate plenty of Fruit Loops, Lucky Charms and Trix growing up. At some point they stopped appealing to me in favor of Cheerios, Chex and Wheaties.

I'm an oatmeal man as well. In a post about a month ago I detailed my routine for breakfast: My Morning Routine. I found bananas to create an odd flavor with the oatmeal that I couldn't get passed. Strawberries and blueberries though...delish!

Thanks for the comment ye time traveling cat!

I use to have a thing for Reese’s Puffs. No way that could be a good option to go long term. They were at least very smart the box was very thin. I could eat the whole thing in a couple of days.

That is true bananas do add an odd flavor to it. I don’t usually go blueberries I find the texture for whatever reason to not be enjoyable in oatmeal. Which is rather strange when thinking how wonderful strawberries are with it.

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