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RE: Biltong and braai - South African food.

in #food8 years ago (edited)

@giantbear This is a great recipe but it is exactly the same recipe as for beef jerky, except you're using vinegar marinade.

Try this alteration and see if you like it better.

Tightly pack the raw beef in course grain salt in layers of salt, beef, salt, beef.
Allow it to sit for 5 to 7 days until grey through and through

Remove beef from salt, shake off all external salt, wipe it thoroughly.

Pour 10oz of Balsamic or Red Wine vinegar into an air tight packing container such as tupperware.

Add meat, add vinegar, repeat until container is full and packed relatively tight. Ideally you want to minimize or eliminate the air, so if possible overfill with vinegar before sealing tight.

Allow this to sit in a cool dry place for 90+ days.

At this point the beef is salted and pickled and will never spoil, but if you cut it into strips and dry it as per the rest of your recipe, the flavor is absolutely intense! It's literally the most savory thing I've ever made, especially if you toss fresh chopped garlic cloves in the vinegar with the meat during the pickling process.

Before I met my wife, I made this and gave it away at a church BBQ once. IIRC a severe argument broke out over the last few pieces, cant remember if this was the one that ended in a fist fight or not, but it was pretty intense.

It's like crack. :D

Love your recipe too though!


😂😂😂I can just imagine that fight! Foodfight!

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