[Taipei] Man Mano Cheese Bar 慢慢弄起司吧

in #food7 years ago (edited)

We passed by a cheese bar today and went in for dessert. What a find! We ordered a Fresh Curd (Caillebotte) with black tea syrup. It's very soft and tastes like normal soy pudding with a hint of milk.

The second dish was even better, called Gelato alla Ricotta Affumicata with Almonds & Balsamico. The smoky cheese blends so well with gelato and the crunchy almond adds the texture to it. The olive oil comes with the dish, was added on top, which amazingly adds a hint of fresh grass and made the dish perfect. This dessert is actually better than many 4 or 5 star Italian restaurant we've been to. Definitely worth the travel just for this dish.

Beside desserts, this boutique mozzarella bar also offers sandwich, salads and various cheese related dishes. The best part is, you can see how your cheese is made through the glass windows. Definitely drop by if you are around the area. You won't be disspointed.


Score: 5/5

Web Site

今天跟老婆出門走路運動, 她吵著要吃甜食. 剛我經過家裡附近的一家莫札瑞拉起司吧(Man Mano Mozzarella Bar), 看到門口的menu有甜點, 就進去了. 店家推薦了兩道: 慢慢弄乳花, 煙燻起司冰淇淋. 真的是意想不到的好吃到極點.

慢慢弄乳花吃起來很像豆花, 但是更軟一點. 因為是用做cheese剩餘的乳清做的, 它又帶一股淡淡的牛奶香. 蠻特別的, 而且不膩, 非常適合夏天吃.

第二道煙燻起司冰淇淋(Gelato alla Ricotta Affumicata)更是讓我們吃到想站起來跳舞. 起司是店家自己用櫻桃木去煙燻的,完全不會嗆口. 我以前看到奇怪口味的冰淇淋都不會點, 總是點像草莓或巧克力這種小孩子安全牌. 沒想到煙燻味跟冰淇淋這麼搭, 有一種大人的冰淇淋的感覺. 冰淇淋裡還加了杏仁片, 讓口感更豐富一點. 最特別的是店家有給一小壺橄欖油, 它嘗起來有一抹淡淡清新的青草味, 把它淋到冰淇淋上, 吃了一口, 橄欖油把其他的味道都包容起來, 真的是完美.

平常上義大利餐廳其實我最喜歡的是莫札瑞拉起司番茄這道前菜. 但好吃的Mozzarella可遇不可求, 想不到家附近竟然有新鮮現做的cheese bar, 除了甜點還有很多用起司做的輕食, 非常推薦喔.

分數: 5/5




Hola, follow @weiching for more update on life and food 😺

歡迎加我點讚 @weiching 👍


是說..... 出門運動變成吃甜點...... 你們確定是去運動的嗎?

沒辦法 老婆一定要吃甜 (別惹懷胎九月的女人)

我跟朋友下月來台北想去一下有好吃甜店的cafe, 還有甚麼cafe推薦嗎?

如果你有去迪化街那邊逛的話, 有木之森的戚風蛋糕還不錯 :)




Looks delicious

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