Day off? No problem! Let's have a meal in town :) [EN-IT]

in #food7 years ago

Finally I had a day off that coincided with my girlfriend day off work so we decided to go in town for a meal.

The weather wasn't the best so we toke 1 umbrella to be save. We did a bit of shopping in the town malls and then as I was starving we started having a conversation regarding the place where to go to eat. I really wanted sushi or pizza. Lucky me she agreed for pizza so we went to Zizzi's that is an Italian's chain of restaurant (they are cooking Italian food but not as really Italian way). Kami had calzone and I have ordered a rustica pizza with so many toppings that to go back home I wanted to ask a taxi ahahah.

IMAGE 2017-08-03 10:00:39.jpg

Like usual when you ask to take picture of her with the intent of uploading on Steemit... her expression is as above.
The was my turn to get my pizzaaaaa and here it is :)

2017-08-03 10.00.01.jpg

I mean was not the proper Italian's pizza but at least was tasty and filling my belly so it did his job LOL.

Once we paid the bill, we went out the restaurant and was starting raining in a bad way that our umbrella wasn't enough to keep us dry. We started walking home like if we were doing a run... hugging strongly to limit the area of our body not covered by the umbrella... but anyway the legs were completely wet and dirty :(.

In Italy there are like 35+ degrees instead in UK 13-20 and raining one day yes and the other as well :(


Finalmente sia io che la mia ragazza siam riusciti ad avere un giorno libero in comune cosi abbiamo deciso di andare a mangiare fuori in uno dei ristoranti del centro. Prima cosa... come saprete se una ragazza ha il giorno libero.. lei vorrà fare shopping quindi siam andati in alcuni negozi per vedere se ci fosse qualcosa di interessante per lei. Dopo svariate ricerche non ha comprato nulla ed io li con lo stomaco che brontolava ho preso di polso la situazione e le ho detto ho fame quindi sushi o pizza.

Fortuna vuole che le andava la pizza quindi siam andati da Zizzi che e' una catena di ristoranti pseudo italiani che si spacciano di esser italiani ma chiaramente quello che cucinano e' lontanissimamente simile a quello nostro. Ma vabbe' avevo fame e poi sapevo che non sarebbe stato male mangiar li visto che non era la prima volta che ci andavo...

Kami ha preso il calzone (per quelli del Sud Italia.... un bel panzerottone al forno) con besciamella e non so che altro dentro... e vi dirò' non era male. Io invece son andato più' sul classico prendendo una buona pizza piena di ingredienti.. con la base di farina di semola quindi già' potete immaginare che il sapore e' completamente diverso ma va bene anche questo... carciofi, pomodori, pomodori sott'olio, mozzarella e non so che altro ci fosse... volevano mettermi anche il pesto ma gliel'ho vietato.. tacci loro volevano uccidermi?

Finita la pizza e la conversazione decidiamo di tornare a casa e chiaramente inizia a diluviare... come se non ci dovesse esser un domani. Maledetta la miseria questo tempo e' orribile. Siamo ad Agosto ma qui piove un giorno si e l'altro pure. Comunque torniamo a casa e cerchiamo di stare sotto l'ombrello anche se la cosa era molto difficile vista la quantità' di pioggia che stava cadendo e la grandezza dell'ombrello. Siam arrivati fradici a casa ma almeno ci siam messi a ridere della situazione... gli ultimi 300 metri da casa mi ero rotto le scatole di far a botte con lei per evitare di bagnarmi quindi ho iniziato a correre per arrivare prima a casa e lasciarle l'ombrello. Lei invece pensava mi stessi cagando sotto e quindi rideva come la matta... ma ditemi voi che ragazza va. :D

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cheers upboat

Se ve demasiado rica esa pizza

si estaba super buena... :)

nice job enjoy in rainy weather with ur girlfriend @webdeals and i followed u in start my join steemit family follow me

great @shencoin :) cheers followed u back

not great @webdeals i also sad from this and my all hardworking is waste....i also coment u always from my other acount @shahzaib and now that was closed,,,would u like to upvote me my some posts from this account when i will post on my blog i say u if u dont mind @webdeals

depending on what is the content and if is a good one why not! ;)

@webdeals i only 1 post about my introduce and 2 others only some photography photos 1 post take i my old blog..and i will wait u if u like

Seems like a great day perfect food, rain, Girlfriend feeling jealous.

ahahahah no cmon it was a good one for sure :) a lot of laugh and rain :D

In my opinion it was great thanks for share.


Beautiful, two lovers enjoy your delicious food. Thanks for sharing such an amazing relationship. God bless you both.

thank you so much maya7 :)

You are most welcome friend. Can I again invite you to my blog, if you don't mind then please support me in the way of journey to the great work. Thanks, have a great day.

Bella pizza socio... goditi il tuo day-off!

grazie mille caro... si ogni tanto fa bene avere un giorno off...

This post has received a 12.00 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @upboat. They have officially sprayed their dank amps all over your post rewards. GOOD TIMES! Vote for Aggroed!

cool :) cheers


:) yeeep

It seems very delicious you know what to taste

it was indeed :)

The bread used for the pizza looks to be a roti, I have tried it once before not really a pizza but the taste is amazing almost equal to pizza, romantic walking in the rain hehehe must of been exciting I love getting muddy in the rain dancing in heavy rain 😍 or just sitting in it when my mood is not the brightest

you seem to be very romantic :) it was fun that's for sure... I don't like that much the rain to be honest

Aww thank u :)

you are welcome :)

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