Five old Welsh recipes

in #food7 years ago

Here are five different things that my grandmother used to make for me when I was young. The measurements are in imperial as that is what I remember and mostly have always used. There was no gas oven then so had to be done on griddle, or in metal oven built into the side of living room fire.
Take a little mustard, pepper, salt, 3 tablespoons of milk, 4 ounces of cheese, one ounce of butter, and your toast slices near to where you will cook this.
Then, put the milk and cheese in a saucepan and slowly melt. Next add salt, pepper, mustard and butter. When it is hot, but not boiling, pour this over the toast. Put the toast under the grill to brown. Sometimes some beer added to this will add flavour.
You will need half an ounce of bacon fat, four tablespoons of oatmeal, three tablespoons of water, and a pinch of salt to taste.
The fat is melted in the water and as you do so sprinkle in the oatmeal. Work this mixture together as you mix. Dust a board with oatmeal and then, when ready, roll this mix into pancake sized slices or smaller as you like, but are thin. Then cook slowly in a thick frying pan, or on your griddle that is hot for about ten minutes. The cakes will be easy to break and do dry fast so make small batches at a time.
welsh cakes (2).jpg
These ones were my favourite.
You will need one pint of cow's milk, one pound of flour, two tablespoons of sugar, and three ounces of currants.
Mix the sugar, flour and milk into a batter and then stir into this the currants. Make into cakes to the size you like and then put on hot griddle for about three minutes to cook until brown. They can be done in an oven, but my grandmother didn't have one so all was done on a griddle over the fire in the living room.
fruit cake.JPG
With this one you will need two ounces of sugar, eight ounces of plain flour, salt, two ounces of currants, three ounces of bicarbonate of soda, three ounces of lard or dripping, and milk.
Sieve the salt, flour and bicarbonate into a container and then mix in the fat. Then put in the sugar and currants. Mix all this into a dough with the milk that is not too soft. When ready, roll into half inch sized thick slabs. You can bake this on a hot greased griddle, and do it on both sides and is best eaten hot with butter.
Cream up in a bowl half a pound of butter and six ounces of sugar. Put in yolks of three eggs that have been well beaten and mix all this well, and then mix in a pound of flour. Add half a pound of currants or sultanas then add the rest of the eggs that have been beaten to a very stiff froth. All this has to be mixed vigorously for about 20 minutes before you can shape into buns to put in the oven and leave at 320f until brown.
Pictures from Pixabay


good article friend If you follow me, I'll be happy.Thanks :)

When I was young I only eat boiled root crops (^_^) easy to prepare haha 😊

When I was young I ate melted cheese from a hot plate on soft white bread.

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