Life & Death Haikus: Mud, Sweat & Shears (Original Poem)

in #food7 years ago

Hard agriculture
Long hours straining bodies
To provide us health...

Sometimes, after I have rinsed and washed everything, and when I am cutting up my fresh fruits and vegetables, I often think about the amount of labor that has gone into producing the sustenance I am able to be blessed with on a daily basis. Many thanks and much respect and gratitude for all the farmers around the world and all who are involved in agriculture who give us amazing quality foods towards our health.

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My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


The importance of agriculture cannot be overemphasised, it is of paramount importance. Although the process of food cultivation and animal rearing might be strenous, but it is great gain at last towards a healthy living.

Yes I completely agree. Thank you for your in depth and thoughtful comment. Health is a wealth we must maintain and the farmers play a big part in such preservation of the body and our life's well being

Good job men, keep working and i wish you all the best @verbal-d upvoted

Thank you very much. Much success to you

Nice Haiku...and it's all good until monsanto is not involved in the process. (:

Thanks bro, you already know Monsanto is the Monster Monsoon to destroy our health. Greed over greens as they supply GMOs and Hormones galore.

Yes indeed farmers are doing great work for people around the world. They are not paid much as what they deserve. We should acknowledge their services

Yes, sadly many are underpaid for their great and priceless services. Thanks for chiming in. Steem on

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