Do I have your ATTENTION Yet?

in #food7 years ago

Things that make you go hmmmmm

GMO foods "Monsanto"
Glyphosate! Also found in vaccines.
Farm Raised Fish.
Wild caught Alaskan salmon- product of China?!
Artificial Colors / Flavors.
Lemonade is made with artificial flavors BUT pledge is made with real lemons ?
Beaver Butt (Artificial Vanilla).
"Castoreum" It's all natural lol
Enriched Foods. With what?
Fortified foods. With what?
Synthetic vitamins and minerals.
Fat Free.
Sugar Free.
Fluoridated Water !
Fluoride in our drinking water is hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride.?
Oh just put some in your nursery water for your baby.
Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) in children's cereal !
Hybridized Foods.
Irradiated food products.
Cigarettes. Yuck!
Pop / Soda. No value
Excitotoxins (MSG-Aspartame).
AKA: MSG goes by several aliases, such as Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Hydrolyzed Plant Protein, Vegetable Protein Extract, Yeast Extract, Glutamate, Glutamic Acid, Sodium Caseinate, Textured Protein, Soy Protein Isolates, Barley Malt, Calcium Caseinate and Malt Extract.
(Sugar) AVOID ITS PALS: Splenda.(Sucralose), Sweet ‘n’ Low.
Unfermented Soy. Not soy good.
Agave Syrup (Fructose).
BHA and BHT.
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydrozyttoluene.(BHT) are preservatives.
Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrate.
Vegetable Oils.
Soy bean and Canola oil.
Hydrogenated Oils.
Brominated vegetable oil.
Olestra (Olean).
Carrageenan. Don't worry it's natural.
Potassium Bromate (banned in other countries).
Recombinant Bovine Growth.
Hormone (rBGH) - (Monsanto).
Mycoplasma. < woah!
Nano Bots (Nanotechnology).
Simpsonwood secret meeting.
US commences biological weapons at Fort Detrick, MD.
Experiments on humans.
Plum Island (Lyme) disease.
Erich Traub ^
VCP Virus Cancer Program.
Birth place of AIDS. < man made.
SV40. Cancer Virus
Early cord clamping. NO!
The Disgusting Ingredients Used to Make Vaccines.
Injecting healthy humans with poison.
Injecting precious newborns with 12 diseases the first year of life!
Injecting pregnant women with poison.
Ineffective Chemotherapy and Radiation.
First do no harm?
Big pHARMa drugs.
Chemtrails. Cough Cough.
Aerosol Hurricanes (HAMP).

why are we so sick?

As far as food goes, If we consumers refuse to use these the industry will quit making them. It’s really that simple. (You’d be surprised at how closely food companies monitor their sales!)

Make believe food is make believe health,
Dr Bob Marshall PhD


waooo brother .....are you a biological student or person which belongs to this medical field
and your post is so good

Vote with your dollars! Opt out of the bad, help support the good. Every action matters.. Gonna have to check out this Bob Marshall character hmm.. Thanks again..

Wait or should I say vote with your Rothschild pedo/demon tokens?

I wrote all of the above, I just quoted him at the bottom.

He was one of those mysterious deaths we all hear about. My friend and thousands of others were healed by doctor Marshall. She also worked for him and learned QRA quantum reflex analysis.
I use to listen to him on his talk radio ! A really smart man and I learned a lot.

He has one of the few products I trust to buy from.

Yeah, I liked that quote... Over 98 Holistic Healers Dead In Past Few Years... I want to become a chiropractor and this type of stuff kind of turns my stomach..

@truthtrain thank you so much you shared a very very informative post again. keep it up now i am you original follower.

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