
How much do you want to earn on a post for pasting a link to somewhere else?

You need to write your own unique content. Don't just copy/paste the internet here and add nothing only trying to get paid. It's an abuse of the system.

You have a point.Thanks for commenting!
I am sorry since I am relatively new to this

I have helped a lot of new users do very well on the system and earn a higher reputation than me in the early days. Remember, everyone is competing for money on the system. If it takes you less than a minute to make a post, and you don't write any comments or opinions yourself, the post is not worth very much and you will attract a lot of downvotes.

If you keep doing it, whales have bots on steemit that will follow you around and even downvote your good posts... until your username becomes dead and worthless.

I'm very impressed you saw the point, and I look forward to your next posts. Even I will upvote them too if it looks you put some effort into them. :) I am now following you.

Remember, google will only rank Steemit higher if the posts here have things unique and different than the rest of the internet.. that's what will make this community strong, and what will make our posts worth more for everyone.

Good luck.

But at the same time,I disagree that this is "abusing the system" because in my opinion,"abusing the system would be copy/paste entire articles while making it seem as if the person wrote all of it by himself/herself without crediting the original authors.Sharing links help bring traffic to youtube channels,news websites...etc
You can disagree and I would be interested in hearing your response

It fills the system with junk links. Go look under the "new" heading. There are real people with good posts that have spent 1 or 2 hours writing a good one. They are getting lost by your dozens of posts every 20 minutes with just links in them.

It also wastes my time as a curator to have read your headlines, see your photo, and then go "oh, there is nothing here, just a link"

...then the next person comes by and goes "oh, there is nothing here, just a link"

...and so on.. and so on... you're just filling the system up with links. It wastes time... it makes good posts scroll by really fast. It's not good.

Imagine if everyone did what you did... write a bot to just make non-stop posts with a link. Soon the whole place would be filled with garbage 1 link posts with no content.

I shouldn't have to explain this part to you. It's common sense. Go look at the other posts.. how many people with reputation level 60+ just post one link in a post?

If you don't believe me.. keep doing it your way and watch what happens.... it won't just be me that starts downvoting you either.

You obviously know how to write english. There are people that can barely speak english and even they try to write a post the best they can, and upload their personal photos they took in their country etc.

You could do much better... for the same time we took talking about this... we already filled up a page of text. Instead of me spending all this time writing to you...and you asking me more questions... both of us could be writing a nice, longer unique post and making $20 or $30 for it..

Now you're beginning to frustrate me. I previously said this:

I'm very impressed you saw the point, and I look forward to your next posts. Even I will upvote them too if it looks you put some effort into them. :) I am now following you.

Now I'm not following you. Maybe one day I will again if I see a "real" post -- that you wrote yourself, and not just a single link to some other internet page.

Some people get it. Some don't. :(

I actually got your point and I wanted to see if you were able to convey your message.I apologize if I sounded rude in anyway shape or form

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