Hot Tea on A Cold Day

in #food6 years ago (edited)


It's that time of the year where I stock up and buy a bunch of tea. I prefer jasmine tea or green tea but will drink just about any type. I haven't been feeling so great the past few days, hot tea, orange juice, and rest. It's been so windy lately and I've never been very good with the wind. I'm trying to stay warm and stay indoors at the moment so not many adventures over the weekend. I'm happy I was able to buy some candles last week, they make the mood feel better even when under the weather.

I prefer a sliced lemon in my tea. I don't like it sweet so no sure for me, every now and then I'll mix a small amount of honey in there. Things change a bit when you're not feeling well, no coffee for me and in bed pretty early are just a few that comes to mind. I feel better today than I did yesterday so hopefully I'm moving in the right direction. Any recommendations for me?


Have been drinking a bunch of hot tea lately.

Been making tea in the afternoons these days.

Tea 50% of the week, the other half coffee.

Actually made a cup this morning, very relaxing to say the least.

Love putting lemon in my tea.

No sugar in my tea.

Add just a little bit of honey sometimes.

Might boil some water later for a cup of hot tea.

Having a cup now.

Having some tea now.

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