Preparing for a Real Life Dreemit Meeting, Right Here in the Ozarks During Berry Season!

in #food6 years ago

Dreemit and her Dreemians will be here soon, this will have to be quick.

I'm excited to announce that @dreemit is planning to drop by here during her travels, and will be here soon!

I've hardly had time to go to the grocery store, there is still much to do, even though I've cleaned the house twice. (The first time I cleaned it too soon, then messed it up again) I have a bag of fried tortillas and some cheese, and I'll probably make a little bit of pesto with the basil that I've grown this year. This place needs food!

There must be something to eat around here though, what's the use of having gardens if there's no food growing out there to offer the guests?

If anyone gets hungry, I'll just send them up the ladder for a cherry:


Disclaimer: this particular cherry is no longer available- I ate it.

I met @dreemit here on Steemit back a long time ago, and I am feeling privileged and honored that she and her team of Dreemians are including a visit to the little old @therealpaul (that's me!) as part of their epic journey across a continent. There are a lot of things to see out there in the world, and I am proud that Dreemit thinks that I am one of those things.

Berry Season

The Dreemians have chosen a good time to drop by this region, as the blueberries begin turning blue around the beginning of June, and there are several mulberry trees around here that produce plenty of sweet purple berries every year around this time.

Maybe a few mulberries will still be around when the Dreemians arrive:




One thing is certain; there will be blueberries!





All of these photos were taken in the last two days, so make note if you plan to come and see me; The beginning of June is berry season in these parts.

Now I have to go do some more cleaning, the Dreemians will be here soon! Thanks for looking, and hurry on over!


click @therealpaul for more


How exciting!! I haven't met a steemian in person yet, I've had a chat on the phone and listened into discord chats, but meeting THE DREEMIT! 😊💓
Please give her a big hug from me. She maybe doesn't remember our couple of chats on a post or 2, but I do. So lovely ALWAYS.

Yep, she was here, the real dreemit, and she's awesome in real life too, I can testify. Oh and, she does remember you! :)

Of course I remember love! How have you been? I got my hug, thank you!!

Wowsers! This is impressive indeed. I love it when good steemians meet!

One day there will be a post about meeting you me boom ;)

Hehe, wouldn't that be quite the thing!

It was a spectacular meeting, I met the whole traveling dreemit pack, including Lucy the sweet dog. I had been threatening my cats that I might get a dog, and for a minute there they thought I'd gone through with it!

They will get you back you know!! hehe

I know their feline ways, it's just a matter of time. I am enjoying how well-behaved they have been these last few days, good kitties.

I am so super jealous!

(Oh and seeing that you don't want to talk to me on discord anymore) I just wanted to tell you my new mic should be arriving soon - I cant wait to record properly! After all the amazing effort that you have put into that song, it really does deserve a bit more quality from my side!

Much love and respect! (maybe one day @dreemit will come visit me too, together with you!!

I would absolutely love too, would definitely if you lived somewhere I could drive to, lol, but you never know!

Well leave me to my dreaming x x x

New mic sounds exciting! Oh I just haven't been able to figure out when to try to catch you on Discord, as in, when it's day there, it's night here, and I haven't figured out how to arrange a chat time. I've been imagining some support vocals on that song too, harmonies during the chorus and such, so I still want to work on the track more too. The tune still plays in my head constantly!

It's no maybe; the only way that I know to get this painting to SA is to bring it personally to you, and I'll bring everyone that I can with me when I do. ;)

HAHAAAAAAAAAAA Brilliant, everything you said sounds super awesome...

Don't party too hard. Or do. Screw it, just have fun. :)

Definitely do! And did! lol!

I will have fun, I have a feeling!

You are most certainly one of the top 'must see's for me! So glad to be here!

I put a dropbox link in chat, a little driving music that I wrote a while back. ;)

Yay for gardens especially ones that have berries berrying in them! XD LoL Dreemians that's awesome. Did you make that up or did dreemit? XD Have fun :D


It was my little combination of 'Steemians' and 'Dreemit', and it seemed to fit!

Have fun, y'all!!

Thank you! (I know, it's three days later and the Dreemians have already left just this morning, I'm just getting back from work and back online, and I'm glad to see that you commented and wanted to reply as soon as I got a chance- I've been busy!) We did, have fun! Oh and there are lots of people in this area who say 'y'all, so the word definitely works around here. It's a combination of 'you' and 'all'= you all=y'all meaning everyone. I don't really use the word much, but I'm sort of a weirdo around these parts. ;)

I would be a weirdo if I did say "y'all" here - nobody in NZ says it. But for some reason it popped into my head to say it to you as a joke. So glad you had a great time together. I've been a bit tired and unwell, so just catching up myself on comments and stuff.

I'm sure NZ has plenty of it's own unique dialogue. I used to watch a movie (watched it numerous times) called 'Goodbye Pork Pie' about these two characters who drive a mini cooper across NZ on some kind of challenge, so the film features a nice look at some tall NZ scenery and, for me, a fun listen to some of the accents and language. At one point the characters decide to sell the car's battery so that they can keep going on their quest, and one of them says "...we'll just crash-start the bitch!" We call that a 'roll-start' around here, but I always say 'crash-start' now, I like it better. Goodbye Pork Pie isn't a well-known movie here in this area, but it's one of my favorite films.

Yes, that's a great movie, a true kiwi classic. They've just done a remake called Pork Pie. Not as good as the original maybe, but would give you an updated look at the kiwi culture.

And for 110 kiwi slang words in 6 and a half minutes, you might enjoy this:

Wow. That sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. I would love to meet Dreemit in person. I did not realize she had an entourage though.

Oh yeah, bodyguards, accountants, drivers and photographers, the works! No really, it's her family. ;)

You are blessed to have so many berries. We have for raspberry bushes but sometimes the birds and animals get them before we do. What do you do to prevent that? Thanks. @therealpaul

I've scared birds away from the apple tree by dangling an old CD from a string in it's limbs. The birds see all of the color and movement, but can't figure out what they are seeing. Not sure if it would work on the raspberries or not, it helps if it sways and turns in the breeze.

I saw blueberries and cherries and decided to settle in this blogpost.

The cherry disclaimer made me chuckle, good on you!

Good timing! Berry good time to settle around here.

Berry puns, nice!

I would make one myself, but I can't think of any good ones, so I would be g-raspberrying at strawsberries here.

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