How To Make Edible Crayons || Krayon Yang Bisa Di Makan? Mau Dong!

in #food6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends,

Did you know on March 31st was National Crayon Day?. I wanted to blog about it but Easter gatherings and whatnot kind of took some of my precious Steemit time 😂 So only now I can blog about it.

The kids and I made edible crayons for National Crayon Day. Not too neat as real Crayola would, but at least ours could really be used to color drawings as well 😂


But my gosh, just like my first time making vegan modeling chocolate (from scratch), it took me a bag of cocoa butter (250 g at $16.99 😅) for only 2 chocolate covered apples and a little modeling chocolate, that was expensive trials and errors, although in the end I did get cute apples.


The same with these crayons.

I used half bag of cocoa butter to make them and not all was a success. While the blue and red turned up good, as what modeling chocolate should be, the green one was gritty 🙄

Wish vegan white chocolates are easier to find. Hopefully someday would be much more affordable as well.

For now, I will keep creating recipe myself until I perfected mine too. Seriously tho, if you Google, there isn't a single recipe how to make vegan white modeling chocolate from scratch or even regular vegan modeling chocolate from scratch (at least I couldn't find any), so am pretty happy with my result.

Enough rambling, here is how I made them bad boys 😊

Ingredients - For One Color

  • 1/4 c cocoa butter chips
  • 1/3 c icing sugar
  • 2 1/2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 1/2 - 3 tbsp vegan/plant based protein powder, vanilla (mine was Vega, protein & greens)
  • gel food coloring (Wilton is vegan friendly)
  • 1/2 tbsp clear corn syrup


  • enough corn syrup
  • edible paper
  • edible pen

How To

  • Melt cocoa butter in microwave at 30 seconds intervals (up to 2 mins)
  • Stir in coconut oil to melt, let stand for 10 mins at room temperature


  • Stir in icing sugar followed with protein powder
  • Stir in food coloring (color won't mixed, no worries)
  • Let chill until firm, or you can freeze it too, only 15 minutes or so it would be solid hard


  • Take out from freezer, break apart
  • Heat a chunk of chocolate at 10 seconds intervals, just until melt, not boiling
  • Stir in enough corn syrup, 1 tsp at a time, mixture will become thicken, but there would be so much grese out. You want to pour the oil out.
  • Place mass into ziplock and chill to harden in the fridge (8-10 mins)


  • Take out and massage with your hand, using plastic hand gloves if needed, and shape into crayons
  • Let chill to harden again (5 mins)


  • Cut edible paper into rectangle, moisten it with water and attach it on crayon. Let chill again (to dry paper)
  • With edile pen write crayon on edible paper.


Ta-daaaa 😊

Hai teman!

Tanggal 31 Maret kemarin, disini Hari Crayon Se-Nasional. Lucu yah ada hari gituan 😂

Saya dan anak2 buat crayon yang bisa dimakan 😂 Dasar ga ada kerjaan yak, ayam enak kok makan crayon 😂

Tenang2, ini crayon terbuat dari cokelat kok 😉

Ini resepnya, kalau tertarik, tapi vegan yak, mengolah cokelat sendiri tanpa memakai produk hewani


  • 1/4 gelas cocoa butter (bongkahan cacao mentah, bahan dasar buat cokelat)
  • 1/3 gelas gula bubuk
  • 2 1/2 sdm minyak kelapa yang solid (bukan yang cair)
  • 3 sdm bubuk protein dari tumbuhan
  • pewarna makanan yang berbahan dasar minyak (gel) bukan cairan
  • 1/2 sdm sirup jagung

Bahan Tambahan

  • sirup jagung secukupnya
  • kertas yang bisa dimakan (beli online)
  • pena yang berisi pewarna makanan (beli online)

Cara Membuat

  • Cairkan bongkahan cacao, aku sih pakai microwave, setiap 30 detik, ku aduk (hingga 2 menit)
  • Masukkan dan aduk hingga mencair minyak kelapa solid
  • Diamkan selama 10 menit
  • Masukkan gula bubuk, aduk
  • Masukkan bubuk protein, aduk
  • Beri pewarna serta sirup jagung
  • Masukkan kulkas hingga mengeras
  • Patahkan cokelat dan ambil satu patahan
  • Lelehkan di microwave sebentar, lalu beri sirup jagung 1 sdt setidaknya, aduk hingga mengental. Jika menghasilkan minyak, buang minyaknya
  • Bungkus cokelat lunak ini dan masukkan ke kulkas sebentar, biar agak mengeras
  • Keluarkan dari kulkas dan bentuk menjadi krayon
  • Potong kertas (yang bisa dimakan), lembabkan dengan air dan bungkus krayon. Masukkan kulkas hingga kertas mengeras


  • Keluarkan krayon dari kulkas dan beri tulisan dengan pulpen (berisi pewarna makanan)

Jadi deh 😊 Ribet yak 😂


Thanks For Looking!

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very creative you, I applaud the idea that you created @thekitchenfairy
greetings from aceh, indonesia


Salam kenal dari Kanada

you are welcome it, well done. I pressed it so I can find this later since my kids have eaten almost all their crayons already :P


Thanks for including this on the latest eyes on you, boss

You got to be kidding me, edible crayons??? This is so cute it hurts :D It is absolutely adorable and I am sure the kids are loving it big time 💚

They did, yes 😊

Many thanks! ❤️

Oh my god! My kids would go crazy for these, My daughter especially! she loves to prank people too so she would totally be into these! Nice job @thekitchenfairy!

These were expensive to make 😂

How about in Ireland, is cocoa butter cheaper than where I live? 250 g for $16.99 😂

Kudu hati² juga mbak. Takutnya ntar semua crayon bisa di makan.. heeh

😂 kalau anak2 yg Masih kecil, Iya Kali yah. Anak2ku dah besar2, mereka tau Kok 😊

Woow I have never ever heard of edible crayons in the first place :D. The color was a little pale but practise makes perfect. What an exciting project to do with the kids :)

Yes, for sure, when am not lazy 😂

Haha, well that sure could be an issue :D

Omg I want some now.. All I have is my Vienna lager..

Lager and chocolate, good pairing

I think we can be good friends 😂

You really do have a national day for everything over there don't you XD LoL edible crayons, well I guess if you feel snacky while drawing? XD They look so cute!



The perk of living in North America, tons of celebrations, I guess

Thanks Fyn ❤️

Yes, did you get to check the video?

Not as bright/strong as real crayon but yes they worked 😊

Ah yes, I'm missing the videos :)

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