Double Oats Flourless Tahini Cookies // Kue Kering Havermuth

in #food6 years ago (edited)

Hi Peeps!

Hope your Tuesday is awesome!

Mine? Started with Cuphead game as soon as my 4 yo got up! He was missing his XboX much while we were in Nashville, so when we got home, he has been bugging his older brother and his mama to play with him, we cannot even do our things, like putting away the clothes from the luggage (yeah, am using him as an excuse for my slowness :P)

Earlier as I unpacked stuffs, I found ONE Oreo left inside the boys' carry-on bag, and obviously it went into my mouth, willingly, you know. However not long after that, came my 4 yo asking if we still had any cookies left, and I said to myself, fuuuudddgeeeee!

So I went to bake some cookies

At first I was thinking, hey I should get back to my keto, I truly have gained too much for the past one month that I had to get new clothes hahahaha But my right side of the brain said, naaah, bake them cookies, you can start keto after.


So, to compensate my left brain, I run on the treadmill (only) for a bit, then off I went to bake cookies. WIN WIN lol

And believe you me. These cookies worth it ;-)

When I baked them, I had @choogirl in my mind, as I remember reading her convo with @chrisdavidphoto, that she likes tahini much. Give this a try, Choo, they are so good, I kid you not :)

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha, temans!

Masak apakah hari ini? Rendang yak :) Masakan wajib kalau sedang Lebaran di Indonesia hehe. Semoga hari kalian menyenangkan, berkumpul dengan orang-orang terkasih, dan bisa berkurban maupun kebagian pembagian daging kurban bagi yang kurang mampu.

Tadi pagi pas bongkar-bongkar tas, eh aku nemu satu potong Oreo hahaha Dasar tukang makan, yah langsung ku telan. Eeeeh ga lama anakku yang bontot datang dan tanya, "ma, ada cookies ga?".

TOOOEEEENNNGGG!!! Haiyah, kenapa juga datangnya telat nih anak, dalam hatiku, dah habis Oreo baru datang nanyain. Berabe deh wkwkwk

Jadi yah tadi aku kudu bikin kue kering deh

Nih kue kering ga pake ribet, ga pake repot, dijamin. Bahkan ga pakai tepung, ga pakai gula tambahan, ga pakai telur, maupun mentega, dan teteeeeeuuuuppp uenak tenan. Ga becanda nih aku :D Dicobain deh kalau ga percaya

Bahan utamanya adalah havermuth.

Dan karena namanya juga orang Kanada, tentunya aku gunakan sirup mapel sebagai pengganti gula :D

Yuk ditengok resepnya dibawah, kalau tertarik sih :D

I have this huge box of Quaker oats, quick-cooking, and a bag of quick-cooking steel-cut oats, and thought, hey, yeah Imma just whip up oat cookies altho crossed my mind to make chocolate tahini cookies in the beginning, because, Oreo, you know. Babe was looking for the Oreo lol

Inside the Quaker box, it has 3 flavors, of apple cinnamon, plain, and maple-brown sugar. For these cookies I used the maple and brown sugar oats, as I planned on using maple syrup as the sweetener.

You can use all plain quick cooking oat or just quick cooking steel-cut oats. Whichever fancy you best

Havermuth yang kupakai terdiri dari 2 macam (di Kanada, havermuth beragam, euy). Yang satu adalah havermuth biasa, dengan rasa sirup maple dan gula merah, yang satu lagi adalah havermuth yang di kenal dengan sebutan steel-cut, bentuknya mirip beras, namun yang kupakai, merupakan tipe quick-cooking, cepat dan mudah dimasak, ketimbang steel-cut yang biasa

Silahkan pakai havermuth yang tersedia di Indonesia, ga usah ribet cari yang steel-cut :D

- 2 envelopes of maple and brown sugar oatmeals
- 2 envelopes of natural oatmeals
- 1/2 c of quick cooking steel-cut oats
- 1/2 c of chopped walnuts
- 1/2 c of DF chocolate chips
- 1/2 c tahini
- 1/2 c maple syrup
- allspice powder, as needed, optional

- 160 g havermuth biasa (kalau ada rasa sirup mapel dan gula merah, yuuum!)
- 1/2 gelas havermuth steel-cut, kalau ga ada, havermuth biasa juga yak!
- 1/2 gelas kacang walnut cacah, atau almond, atau mede
- 1/2 gelas coklat keping
- 1/2 gelas selai tahini (terbuat dari wijen)
- 1/2 gelas sirup mapel (kalau ga ada, mungkin madu bisa jadi gantinya)
- bubuk kayu manis dicampur bubuk pala, secukupnya, kalau mau

How To
- Whisk tahini and maple syrup
- Mix dry ingredients then add into wet ingredients

Cara Membuat
- Campurkan selai tahini dan sirup mapel, aduk hingga rata
- Campurkan bahan kering, lalu masukkan ke campuran selai tahini tadi

- Mix dry and wet thoroughly, then shape into balls
- Flatten balls slightly, then sprinkle with a little allspice powder
- Aduk bahan kering dan bahan basah hingga benar-benar tercampur
- Bulatkan adonan dan tekan dengan garpu
- Taburi dengan campuran kayu manis dan pala bubuk

- Bake cookies for 8 minutes, airfry, on preheated 350 F convection oven
- Let stand on baking sheet for 10 minutes
- Cool on rack
- Panggang kue kering pada oven 350 F yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu, selama 8 menit. Aku pakai oven convection yah, kalau oven biasa, panggang kurang lebih 10 menit
- Biarkan pada loyang selama 10 menit, baru di didinginkan di rak kawat

See, no hassle. Easy peasy, quick, but oh so god damn good.

You don't need dairy, you don't need egg, you still can have awesome cookies, friends!

I will share you the chocolate tahini cookies recipe next time, they are damn good as well :D

Jadi deh dan enaaaaak banget. Di coba yuuukkk.

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howdy kitchenfairy! thanks for torturing us with these mouthwatering things! and someone said you were sweet? lol.
someday someone is going to make you a big offer to bake for them!

I have a bakery, @janton, so people do pay me big esp. for tier cakes 😉

what?? I thought you just did something occasionally like for friends or something! but that isn't what I meant anyway..I meant that some rich person would offer you a big paying job of being their personal bakery chef. lol. have you done a steem cake yet?

what i posted here are the ones we consumed at home. occasionally i post tutorials of 3D cakes I did for the business :)

my husband keeps encouraging me to do a Steem cake or cookies, yes, but no, I havent.

oh ok Ma'am lol. and I just gave you a hard time on another comment for it being just a few words. sorry!! never mind!

When I read your post it reminded me of a conversation I had with my colleagues just yesterday.
Apparently there was an article about oatmeal having weeds that is harmful to people. Not sure how true it is but it gave us scary thoughts

yes, certain farmers use weed-killing chemical that is all over the news atm

supposedly the chemical is banned in other countries but not in USA

You've got great appetite for baking like me

We should meet up one day and bake together 😉

Seriously, it would be a dream come through...
I'll so love to bake with someone who plays around with flour and bring out the sweetest of savors...I may not have tasted any of your cookies bf but you sure have a great hand in dealing with flour...

give the recipe a try. they are awesome cookies :)

Am sure I won't be disappointed by the taste...

This comment was made from

yummy😊 that is fantastic and healthy🍪

Minal aidzin walfaaidzin mba...
😊😊 tergoda sama kuehnya

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Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin <3

Selamat Idul Adha, dirumah masak Soto Ayam

Looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing this with us!

Also love this: If you leave ANY link on my blog, I WILL flag you down. This is to avoid phishing and shits

You go lady!

It sounds silly, hey, i know, yet it doesnt stop ppl from leaving links, since majority dont read til the end of an article 😁 they would return the favor when i flag them tho 😁

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