in #food6 years ago (edited)

Yeast is pure evil that was invented just in the middle of the last century.

Before people used only leavens for bakery, and it was useful and healthy!

It is very difficult to date the birth of the leaven, but the first mention of it dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt. According to the assumptions, the leaven was discovered by the Babylonians.

Now the health of people have become much weaker and worse, and many scientists agree that yeast can be one of the reasons.

Many people think it's just one more joke and just gossips, but let's look at yeast deeper.

For the production of yeast, the following basic and auxiliary raw materials are used:

(GOST is a national standard for producing of different goods)

ammonium sulfate technical, produced in the production of sulfurous anhydride;
ammonium sulphate purified according to GOST 10873;
ammonia water technical grade B (for industry) according to GOST 9;
acid orthophosphoric thermal according to GOST 10678;
sulfuric technical acid according to GOST 2184 (improved) or rechargeable according to GOST 667
Potassium carbonate technical (potash) according to GOST 10690 of the first grade;
Potassium chloride technical for NTD;
powder magnesite caustic according to GOST 1216;
Sulfuric acid according to GOST 2184 (contact improved brands A and B) or rechargeable according to GOST 667;
microfertilization for agriculture in the southern regions of the USSR;
lime chloride according to GOST 1692;
building lime according to GOST 9179;
lime white (heat-resistant);
sodium hydroxide technical according to GOST 2263;
soda calcined (technical) according to GOST 5100; formalin technical according to GOST 1625;
boric acid according to GOST 9656;
sulfonol NP-3;
katapin (bactericidal);
washing liquid preparation "Progress";
acid hydrochloric technical;
acid hydrochloric from hydrogen chloride-rectificate

More than 50 ingridients, and only 10 of them are harmless for our health!

Isn't it enough to stop using it? Most people just don't realize and don't try to investigate what is going on around. They're just sleeping...

So my choise now is homemade leaven for bakery!

How to make it?

To tell you the truth, it's more complicated than it can seem from description, because this leaven is ALIVE, and it needs special conditions, special humidity and temperature to live, but it's difficult only in the beginning, when you see the point, it causes no problem!

I failed several times trying to make it-)
Yes, it was too cold, too hot, too dry and so on, It just died all the time.
I was angry very much-) I was about to leave this idea and use just bakery soda for my cooking (insted of leaven, no yeast in my life any more).

But then I decided to try it once again, and YES! I was lucky, and I succed to do it!-))

So now I'm an expert-)) and I can share my recipe with you-)

So simple, My God!

We take:

rye wholemeal flour

that's it!! no chemistry like in yeast from the shop!

The proportions are 1:1

and put it in the warm place, now it's warm anywhere-)

Then we just need to wait till natural yest will be born.

We need to "feed" our leaven every day.
It means we need to add the same quantity of water and flour to it every 12-24 hours!

It's obligatory!! Otherwise, it will just die!

And then in 3-5 days it;s ready!

We can take a little part of it and cook our perfect bread and other homemade sweets!

We need just a little spoon of the leaven for 1 loaf of bread or many tasty cookies.

The rest leaven must be put in the fridge, and here it can live just forever!

All we need is to feed it like we have done before (water+flour).

Then when you need, you can take a small part, feed the rest leaven in the fridge, and cook what you want every day-)

It needs just some time and money for the flour (1 usd for 1 kg).
Not expensive, right?
and we get pure use for our health!

The leaven consists of a symbiotic culture of natural yeast and lactic acid bacteria developing in a mixture of flour and water. They enrich baking with useful properties, minerals and vitamins. In addition, lactic acid bacteria are very important for protecting our immunity

So, friends, what do you think of it?)
Is unleavened bakery popular in your country

Here is the recipe of bread that I made almost every day using this very leaven

Sources of info about yeast ingridients:


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Wow , this looks nice

Я думаю, что это явно не для меня. Я + кухна = катастрофа:)

у тебя ж тут дружина твоя есть, она, если захочет, изучит и порадует вас с малышом полезной вкусняшкой)

Wow this is interesting. I never knew about this. I'm going to make this soon.

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