in #food6 years ago (edited)

Bread-making is a kind of art!

And now I don't mean all these mass-market products, full of chemical ingridients and other trash.
Bread in the shops has nothing to do with use for our health, it's just extra weight, gluten and spark.

But bread always was "the heart" of any home.


Because bread that was baked by our ancestors was ABSOLUTELY different from what we eat now.

It has soul, it had power and it gave endless health to people!

When healthy food became a part of my life, I found an extremely interesting recipe of ANCIENT BREAD that was always cooked by ancient slavs.

It was the only way to make all bakery until the the thermophilic yeast- pure evil- was invented in the last century.

So how to make real alive and useful bread?

The main key is leaven of natural yeast!

It creates natural fermentation and makes bread porous, airy, light and soft!

The process of its birth is rather long and complicated, and I'll show it later.

Now - the recipe itself.

So we take:

rye live leaven - 100g
whole wheat flour (
not flour of the highest grade!! it has no use, just harm!) -150-200g
sesame seeds, flax, etc

Nothing else!

It's ready rye live leaven (several days were spent for its making)

It's ideal consistence - porous and airy due to fermentation

  1. We mix leaven, flour and water

  2. Knead the dough

It's VERY soft and elastic thanks to natural leaven

it seems it even breath,when you touch it!

And the smell is just PERFECT - tasty and milky, like yogurt, but there is no drop of any milk product there! Natural bacteria (like in yougurt) makes fermentation with such wonderful smell.

  1. Put the dough in the special bread form

Or we can make bread without it, the difference is only in the form.

I've made both variants.

Do you see these pores of air? It's a good sign of a tasty bread:)

  1. Then we wait about 2-4 hours. it depends on the temperature and humidity in the room.
    Now it's warm and 2-3 hours is enough.

  2. The dough after 3 hours looks like this.

It has become bigger and higher.

We put some seeds on it and bake in the oven.

  1. Baking must be 10 min with the higherst temperature, and 50 min with lower one.

  2. Ready!!!


And the smell .... MMMM!!

It's impossible just to pass by!

Even neighbours asked what smells so magically-))
And how they were surprised to know I baked bread for myself!
Just shock and square eyes!

people are so used to be a part of the system and mass-market food, that they have lost so many priceless traditions....and that's why they have lost their health and have become customers of Big Pharma and money-makers for medicine...

I am absolutely happy I have got the skill of making real live and natural bread for my family, and hope this information will be useful for you too.

Maybe you'll try it?-)


Wow this is really cool, thanks! I want to make this.

Wow bread from scratch, you look so happy with the smell 😆.

Your family is lucky having you.

Yes, I am definitely going to try it!

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