Miss. Delicious #12: A Poetic Molecular Cuisine. 分子料理配诗

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends,

Do you remember in a previous post I introduced everyone to the most famous food in Beijing - Beijing Roast Duck. There's nothing better than eating this famous dish in it's home town, the authenticity is hard to beat, notably different from the Roast Duck styles you'll find in the west. Remember how many different ways there are to eat Beijing Roast Duck? Three different ways and 8 different sauces! Check out my other post about Roast duck HERE for a reminder.

You might wonder, in a roast duck restaurant, is duck the only thing we eat?

The answer is No! Today, i'll show you some of the things we eat along side the duck.

All pictures below other than those marked with sources are of my own photography

My favourite duck restaurant

I am very excited to introduce the Da Dong Peking Roast Duck Restaurant.

East Gate of Workers Stadium, Beijing.


What makes this restaurant stand out is that they take traditional Pekingese dishes, and then put their own unique spin making for an authentic and yet uniquely tasty dish. I fell in love with this restaurant the first time I came, I was blow away by how creative their roast duck was as well as their other signature dishes. Leaving such a deep impression, I've become a regular diner at this restaurant.

Da Dong is also the first choice for many foreigners. In the APEC, the Japanese premier, Korean foreign minister both chose to dine at Da Dong at the same time! Even Michelle Obama's family chose Da Dong as the first restaurant to dine at when they arrived in Beijing.


Mr. Da Dong

The founder of Da Dong is none other than Mr. Da Dong himself. He's the first chef in China to get an MBA and a pioneer in "Molecular cuisine". Although there are different styles of roast duck, he was the first to use this method to create roast duck in a completely new and unique way. Mr. Da Dong is now planning to open a restaurant in New York, perhaps you may meet him in the US one day!

What is Molecular Cuisine?

Molecular cuisine is a method of cooking that borrows some scientific tools to create some extra zing in the food. Sometimes it's morphological changes, other times it's some sensory surprises. In any case, it's always very creative. You will commonly find this term used to describe dishes in Michelin Star Restaurants.

The Fat Duck is one of the most famous restaurants featuring molecular cuisine. It's a 3 star Michelin Restaurant in London. The dish above is the Jelly of Quail with Crayfish Creme. Unfortunately, I still haven't had the opportunity to try this restaurant because not only is it ultra exclusive and hard to get a booking, it's also extremely expensive!

Before coming to Da Dong, I never thought that we'd have a restaurant with Molecular Cuisine fused with Chinese Cuisine.


“Pekingnese Michelin” & “Chinese Poems”

If you plan to visit Beijing, then it goes without saying that you must try Da Dong. However, today we will not talk about roast duck, lets talk about the creative dishes they offer and how they contrast with dishes in western cuisine.


Western Cold Dishes


Lettuce with Sesame Sause

This dish is an appetiser, and they've inserted ice into the lettuce making it look more natural and healthy, like when they bud in spring. When the waitress serves the dish, they will also introduce the ingredients of the dish then proceed to read a poem about the dish giving it a Chinese charm.

"Artemisia is a gift to relatives and friends, take a walk into the mountain forest and avoid the fights of the world". This is meant to express the joys of a peasant's family life.

Main courses---Beef

Beef in the West


Stir-fried Diced Beef in Spicy Black Bean Sauce

The beef cooked with black bean sauce and pepper garnish, it's very delicious.

The poem for this dish : "Love the flower when it opens, wait not for the flower to wither. Follow your heart and go after love, waste not the time and avoid regret of missed opportunity."

This dish is offered in the "Michelle Menu"


Plum candy and Chinese yam

This is purple yam in it's original form.


After Mr. Da Dong performs his Molecular Culinary art, the Chinese Yam is infused with plum candy. It tastes a bit like mashed potato and is not too oily.

Mango in Western desserts


Mango Sago Cream with Pekingnese Cheese Roll

I've eaten Mango Sago Cream many times before, but never like this. The outside layer of the Mango is ice skin, around it is the Pekingnese Cheese rolls scattered on the plate. The poem for this dessert is : "Life is like a dream, regardless of glory or condemnation, such is life. Raise a glass, to the river and the moon".

This poem is meant to express the importance of having a positive attitude towards life. To set aside resentment and not let obstacles be taken to heart. Only then can we be free.

The presentation of this dish is really beautiful, the ice flows like the river, and the mango sagao cream is like the moon.

This is what Mango Sago Cream normally looks like.


Hope you liked the creative dishes with accompanying poems, let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

“北京式米其林” & “中国诗词” 前餐:麻酱油麦菜上菜的时候,服务员会像国外米其林餐厅一样,详细解释菜的用料。之后还会念一首配合菜的中国诗词,让整道菜更有中国韵味和意境。“蓼茸蒿笋试春盘 人间有味是清欢” 把蓼芽与蒿茎作为立春时送给亲友的礼物,原来走进山林,远离世俗争斗,感受农家素朴的清茶淡饭生活是最欢愉的。主菜:招牌豉椒牛仔粒豉椒的酱香非常入味,干辣鲜美味道。这道菜服务员念到的诗词是:爱惜芳时,莫待无花空折枝。要爱惜花儿盛开的时候,等到花凋谢,你想去折枝采花也没有的采了。甜点:话梅山药这是紫山药的原本样子。在经过大董先生分子料理改造后,与话梅融合,变成了象土豆泥一样的甜点,非常好吃,不腻。杨枝甘露配老北京奶卷杨枝甘露是我第一次看到这种样子的,外面是一层冰皮,盘子里撒的是老北京奶卷。这个甜点所配诗词:人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。人生就像一场梦,无论辉煌还是低谷都是一辈子,还是用一杯酒祭奠江水和月亮。这个摆盘非常漂亮,白色的冰片象江水,黄色的芒果象月亮。

If you are interested in my other blogs related to Food please check out these other blogs below ^^
Miss. Delicious: My experience with London's art of food #1—— Restaurant Gordon Ramsay.
A thousand years ago, I was an Empress!
Eating Oysters is all about the mood and feel..
The night bazaars of Xi'an - A walk through Hui Street.
Food Friday! Japanese foods help to refresh the taste buds in the mouth .
Introducing Steemit to the best duck in town.


michaelcaines Michael Caines MBE tweeted @ 13 Sep 2014 - 20:46 UTC

Beef fillet with red wine sauce was here at the start & now joined by braised beef cheek & celeriac puree #20yearson http://t.co/7lPQBpHacY

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I'm not very well versed in this area... So what i can say? It looks very unusual. And I can mark in a notebook visit this place. I hope it will be helpful someday for me... i hope.

Yes the culinary arts tend to be quite unusual. But definitely visit Da Dong though, you will not be disappointed, I haven't even hinted at how good the duck is.. (hint: it's excellent!)
༼✿ @sweetsssj

You lady, know how to persuade me! :)

我的看法: @elfkitchen + @lemooljiang 。:-)

哈哈 好精辟!

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