Speedy Eats

in #food6 years ago

Went to the local Speedway Gas Station today and was greeted by this:


I wasn't all thrilled about a free donut as much as I was thrilled that after five weeks of being shut down and having to drive several miles to find a crisp clean fountain pop they were finally back open. I am a pop alcoholic, this Speedway has the best calibration on their fountain machines in the whole city not to mention how clean they keep it. We have another Speedway that is a bit closer but only someone wanting to risk illness would eat or drink anything out of there. The shut down was so they could put in a cafe.


I don't pick up something to eat to often from a Speedway. I like a polish dog every once in awhile but I don't eat them enough to want to buy a whole pack to keep in the freezer, besides I like mine slightly overcooked where it has a nice appealing brown color, rolling around on their grill for awhile gives it that certain quality I like about a polish dog. Their Tornado's on the other hand have to be for people who are desperately hungry, they are often hard and have little redeeming value of food content inside in my opinion. Their pizza is't to bad depending on how long it's been swirling around in that case, sometimes after having the grand kids and I drop them off at home I will stop and grab a couple pieces and sit at the park for awhile. I learned early on that cheaper isn't always better when it comes to their breakfast sandwiches either. Some things are just better left alone no matter what the bargain. Today though I was just a happy to get out with a fresh crisp clean fountain pop so I can't give any food reviews, though a couple friends on FB commented it wasn't bad for gas station food. They put in two different seating area's:


I hope they put these one's in all the Speedways. A couple years ago my car wouldn't start at a Speedway during a major snowstorm, they were kind enough to let me sit on top of some Pepsi crates in the front window waiting for the towing company which had upwards of a two hour wait that day. If they all had these I could just get my puzzle book out of my car that I always carry with me for when family or friends ask me to give them a ride somewhere and it's only going to take a "few minutes" that turns into a half hour or more. It's helps me forget how upset I am that they misled me. Actually I've found they have come in handy when I go places and have to wait, it makes the time go by so much quicker, they have had such a soothing effect I often find myself sitting at the park and working on them. Outside the seating area is even more inviting, complete with it's own Speedy Cafe designed chair:



I'd be surprised if I ever found myself actually sitting down eating there minus being stranded but you never know. Across the street is a local grocery store in the area, at the edge of their parking lot there is a green area with a lot of pine trees with a picnic table that sits under them. Among the hustle and bustle of the main street and a busy parking lot is a little nestle of woods where I sat last Wednesday night eating some fresh deep fried perch I bought in the store along with olives I had bought and a small bag of fresh popped popcorn that is complimentary to the customers of the store. Sort of a strange mixture I know but so was the strange location upon which I decided to eat it. If the construction had been done at the Speedway there's no doubt I'd had a clean, crisp fountain pop sitting there too.


this is the best gas station food review I have ever read. we don't have Speedways around here unfortunately. AAA is almost always less than an hour.

Less than an hour in near blizzard conditions?....that's be a surprise. I haven't tried the food myself but eventually I'll get around to it. It's always that clean there to, they run a tight ship.

Like 25 years ago I remember waiting like 90 minutes for them during a blizzard but now they have computer and GPS to dispatch them. Do you have Dunkin Doughnuts in your area?

We use to have them years ago but I haven't seen one in ages.

We use to have them
Years ago but I haven't
Seen one in ages.

                 - sunlit7

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

God bless you @haikubot, don't listen to the haters.

we have them in a lot of the gas stations here as well as one every 2 miles or so, that was my go to for public restrooms when I was a courier driver because they are everywhere.

I just took a look and we do still have one around, it's on a main artery out next to my vets office....I did stop in there a couple years ago and get a donut, I just didn't recall it being a Dunkin Donut.

I actually drove by a "speedway" yesterday on the far side of town, it used to be a "Hess" which are also not common around here.

We have them sometimes as close to each as a couple miles on some main thru-ways. Just about every neighborhood in the inner city has one close at hand, those one's aren't quite as clean. The one I pictured is one located up behind me. When I bought my house I use to say I sat on the dividing line, fifty thousand and up (though I paid a bit more than that) and fifty thousand and down. That one is in the fifty thousand and up area (lol), the one in the fifty thousand and down usually always comes with the ring of someone employed there happening to use the f word, depending on the time of day (late early morning hours) you might actually hear quite a few f words, that at least eight out of ten visits you will be asked by someone in the parking lot for some change and had to have the police come in and clean out people soliciting (because it was men and women) their sexual services in the parking lot and you are almost always guaranteed a heavy dose of someone blasting rap music while pumping their gas.

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