Why should everyone eat more buckwheat?

in #food6 years ago


It is not accidental that buckwheat is called "a million-pound" because, besides being rich in vitamins and minerals, it is also a good food for active sportsmen and those who support their figure. There are several types of buckwheat: perennial, ordinary and Tatar.

The ordinary buckwheat is also known as a mistake, a name derived from Russia. It is believed that the homeland of useful grains in India, but in Russia, they are the most popular.

Origin and history

For the first time, people began to grow it 6,000 years ago in Southeast Asia. In India, buckwheat is called "black rice" and in other countries, it is known as "black wheat." After the start of its mass cultivation, it quickly gained the glory of one of the most common foods for the poorer public strata.

Another is the history of this cereal in France, where it was mainly cured because of the honey produced by it and considered to be a very tasty and useful product that effectively fights cold and flu.

Nutritional composition


100 g of protein contains 14% protein, sugar (2-2.5%), fat (3%), fiber (1%), vitamins A, B, E and PP, iron, calcium, iodine, boron, zinc, magnesium, as well as organic acids (citric and malic).

Buckwheat is rich in amino acids, and the lack of gluten makes it a suitable diet for the dietary regimen.

Besides mash, buckwheat is a good addition to soups, meat dishes, fish, vegetables, desserts, milk, and fruit.

Composition and storage


Most of the store's buckwheat offers buckwheat in 500 grams. Choose buckwheat in a faded color because reddish hue is the most commonly used heat treatment.

If you see the smell of mold, it is unusable to use. Store the cereal in glass or ceramic containers.

Health Benefits


The high content of buckwheat proteins helps increase muscle strength and stamina, making it a suitable food for active sportsmen.

Rich in flavonoids, it effectively fights cell aging processes. In a bucket of buckwheat, the amount of magnesium is about 86 milligrams, and it is important for cardiovascular prophylaxis, high cholesterol, and hypertension.

Eating buckwheat nourishes skin, hair, and nails for the complex of vitamins and minerals in it.

Undoubtedly buckwheat is very effective in people with peristaltic disorders (due to fiber and pectin content) and those who have been subjected to a reduced diet. Buckwheat also has the ability to stabilize the level of blood sugar.

The rich amount of iron and lecithin improves the functional state of the liver and the pancreas and increases the resistance of the body.

However, it should also be noted that the consumption of buckwheat sometimes results in an allergic reaction.

image source - thinstock

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