Foods that can change the color of your eyes

in #food6 years ago


They say that the eyes are the portal to the soul of man, but why?

Is it because of the sharpness with which the judging glance at the first meeting? Or because of the softness with which love from mother's eyes shows us?

But if lyrics and poems are coming, a little later, when the sun goes down and in the cups instead of coffee, we pour the wine.

The color of the eyes is genetically predetermined, everything depends on our parents. BUT ... there are exceptions.

However, an interesting medical fact is that it can be changed to a certain extent. And no matter how strange it sounds, there are food products that make them look lighter and more glamorous.

From biology textbooks, we know that the color of the human eye is determined by three genes. According to their ophthalmologists, only two are well-educated. Practically, different color variations can be obtained when the two parents' DNA intertwines.

Maybe, however, many have asked, what defines the color of the eyes, beyond genetics. The colored part of around is called Iris, ophthalmologists explain. This color is determined by the melanin pigment. As a child begins to grow, the color of the eyes is subject to change. This is because the concentration of melanin in the iris changes throughout life.

The iris controls the size of the pupil according to the intensity of the light in a given environment. When the size of the pupil changes, the pigmentation changes, experts say. In their words, this leads to a barely noticeable change in the color of the eye. But if a person wants to achieve a more visible and lasting change, they just have to make some changes to their diet.



This strange root is known for its "magical" action. Reduces inflammation of the colon, thus preventing the onset and development of cancer. Reduces muscle pain and nausea as a result of chemotherapy. Numerous studies have shown that ginger reduces symptoms of asthma and is an ideal helper in the treatment of hepatic damage caused by medication. It is also known to relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrhoea. And in addition to all these miracles, with regular consumption, he can even change the color of his eyes.



The meats are rich in minerals such as zinc and magnesium, which support the process of iris color changes. In addition, they provide the body with the proteins needed to maintain all the vital processes of the body. Although a number of nutritionists may deny some meats or at least advise people to refrain from doing so, the results of recent research suggest that the opposite is true - the grain itself is not harmful and the way it is handled. Therefore, they recommend not buying ready-made products filled with preservatives, but fresh meat that does not fry or burn on the grill.



If a man is keen on changing the color of the eye, he must know that nuts are a major source of substances that aid this process. Almonds have the lowest calorie content. By eating 23 nuts, one gets 6 grams of protein and 14 grams of fat. However, in order to lighten the eyes, not only almonds but also hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, etc. should be eaten. It is good to avoid roasted nuts because their beneficial nutrients have been practically destroyed when exposed to high temperatures, remind specialists.



Regular use of onions can also change the color of the eyes. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, which becomes lighter and more elastic. This is due to the high levels of vitamin C in this vegetable. Onions are also vital for people prone to the onset and development of colon cancer. Its main ingredient is folic acid, which is known to relieve depressive symptoms and help with the treatment of insomnia. It also reduces appetite, so nutritionists advise people to include the face in their diet to lose weight.

Olive oil


The miracles of the olive oil are numerous and one has a person who is not familiar with them. This is the best remedy for any disease. The oil extracted from the olive contains three essential for the body of human acids - linoleic, linolenic and oleic. They are able to give a beautiful, soft and captivating nuance to the iris. This oil does no fewer miracles and joint pains. It turns out also that lowers the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood, making it the first assistant to cardiologists in their fight against heart attacks.

Chamomile tea


This incredible tea reduces the concentration of stress hormones in the blood and makes the eyes warmer and tender. Traditionally, it is used in the treatment of a sore throat. It is also suitable for the relief of various gastrointestinal disorders. Medics are adamant that chamomile has proven and various skin irritations, so they often recommend ladies to make a bath with a decoction of this herb. When applied topically, it treats all kinds of sunburns and scars, reminded dermatologists.



Not everyone loves to fish, mussels, and shrimps. Seafood, however, is a rich source of vitamins and minerals - especially those from B, C, D, E, and K, calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. They can change the color of the eyes in a few shades. And if you want this change to become permanent, you must include not only fish but also other seafood in your daily menu. So slightly grayish eyes may become bright blue, experts say. And as a bonus, this food will take care of the good functioning of our brain and cardiovascular system.



Spinach is rich in zeaxanthin and carotenoids lutein, which are reveling for a youthful glow in sight. The high iron content in this vegetable makes the eyes much brighter and more saturated. One cup of raw spinach gives 27 calories, recall the medics. In their words, it gives the body magnesium, potassium, vitamin A and folic acid. It is known to be rich in alpha-lipoic acid, which prevents cell damage as a result of daily stress. In other words, spinach is an ideal defense against cancer, lowers high blood pressure and takes care of bone strength.



Even young children know how useful this natural product is. Its daily consumption can greatly improve both the look and the general health. However, doctors warn that honey should not be overstretched. Because added to the tea, it will lighten the color of the eyes with at least two or three shades, but it should not be forgotten that it is a rich source of sugars. With reasonable consumption, this natural bee product is ideal for male sportsmen, also reminded doctors. In their opinion, honey also helps soothe reflux and relieves burns. It is also considered the first line of protection against infection.

Tea made of lime grapes


This tea soothes and "clears" the eyes instantly, eliminating their haze and fatigue, experts say. In their words, the look literally shines after eating. In addition, dog grapes are known to prevent numerous urinary tract infections. It has an antiseptic and diuretic function. Tea from this herb is also effective in treating various skin diseases. And the latest research shows that it has an immense importance in relieving pain due to arthritis.

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So much useful information. Would love to try tea made of lime grapes.


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