An Ode to Peanut Butter...

in #food5 years ago

I am not particularly picky about what I eat. As I have matured, so has my penchant and palate for delectable delicacies. However, there is one food item that, for me, trumps all others. If I were to be isolated in the proverbial fallout shelter or stranded on a desert island with but one thing to eat for the rest of my days.. without a doubt, I would choose...

Peanut Butter

An Ode to Peanut Butter....png

~ An Ode To Peanut Butter ~

Is there nothing so instantly delightful as the crunchy, creamy nectar of the Earth that is Peanut Butter?

It's a gift from the heavens, a permanent party for the taste buds. It amazes me every time I indulge in the lovely buttery goodness. How can something be so consistently.. delicious?

Growing up, while my brothers and sisters were going to school with .. tunafish sandwhiches?? ::shudder:: .. I was packin' PB&J in MY lunchbox. Peanut Butter is the most comforting of comfort foods. Ice Cream? Phessh How about PEANUT BUTTER ICE CREAM?! Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!

Peanut butter is a great companion to any food, I mean ANY.. Yeah, you can't go wrong with Peanut butter and Jelly, but what about Peanut butter and butter?! yum.. add some honey and banana and you have yourself a monumental meal in your hands. But why stop there? Let's get creative.. have you ever had peanut butter and yoghurt? don't knock it.. whip that up, mix it around and bam! an exquisite extravaganza of flavor! Hell, I've had peanut butter on hot dogs before.. yes, REALLY..

But I can go ala carte at any time.. just a jar of Jif and a tablespoon.. who needs anything else??

[Homemade is even better!] src

Peanut Butter is so versatile, other food items are only enhanced by incorporating it into it's ingredients. I love chocolate ice cream, sure, but add good old PB to the mix and it's better than sin!

Peanut butter cookies, Peanut butter chocolate squares, peanut butter balls, peanut butter pie, peanut butter smoothies, peanut butter pancakes...

I love me some Capt'n Crunch for breakfast, but only the peanut butter variety. My favorite candy is... you guessed it.. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.. M&Ms step aside.. Reese's Pieces are far superior!

[wickedly divine..] src

Durian may be considered "The King of Fruit" but Peanut Butter reigns supreme over all edibles.. heh.. (peanut butter pot brownies.. hmm..).. I mean food products. Yup.. If you aren't doing so already, you should definitely make peanut buttery goodness an everyday staple in your diet..

That is.. of course.. unless you are allergic ::gasp!::... in that case.. you have my pity..

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