-Original Calabrian spaghetti carbonara- without cream >recipe of nonna Lucia<
There are many different recipes for the preparation of spaghetti carbonara and a lot of meanings from where it is originates. But if you ask an Italian, everyone will tell you from its region. Therefore today the "original" carbonara recipe from the grandmother of my buddy toni from Calabria. Greetings by this way!🤗
Ingredients 2 persons:
-250gr. Spaghetti
-100gr. Guanciale or pacetta (Bacon is also Ok)
-80 gr Pecorino or Parmesan freshly grated (NO Grana Padano)
-2 bio Eggs
-1Prise pepper from the grinder
-1 tbsp olive oil -1 hot noodle water for binding
1. Add the noodle water and bring to a boil. Then add noodles and coarse sea salt and boil until just before Al Dente.
2. In the meantime, cut the ham into little cubes (i take prepared if available). Beat the eggs with a pinch of pepper, a tablespoon an two tablespoon of the cheese.
3. Heat the pan, add a small tablespoon of olive oil to the pan and fry the ham in it with a small pinch of pepper.
4. Pour the noodles over a pot to collect the water. Then place the noodles directly into the pan and add a trowel full of the noodle water (the hot noodle water ensures a good bond)
5. Add the whipped egg and swirl immediately.
6. Now add 2 tablespoonful of the cheese and again a small trowel of noodle water. Rotate again until a good bond is formed.
7. Spin the noodles with a pair of tongs or meat forks, and place them on the plate. Then simply tilt the rest directly from the pan over it. This is good for the optics, because then the ham pieces lie on top of it and not in the noodles.
8. Finally, pour some Parmesan and Pecorino over it and ready. ATTENTION: Use caution with salt, or better omit it, since the cheese, the noodle water and the ham are already salty enough !!!
Enjoy it!
Fantastic food post! Keep these coming!
Its simply & delicious...try it!
Looks so so yummy.