Different components and benefits of food

in #food6 years ago

The body decay for our daily activities, thoughts and physical exertion. The food fills the corrosion. So food is essential for body nutrients.


Food is the basis and main way of human life. Eating well is the way to gain good health, performance and longevity. But eating good food also shows that the body does not get expected results in many cases. The food needs to be balanced (well balanced). Need to know what ingredients are present in the food. Food has been divided into six components by determining the quality of food. Below is a summary of the components of food and their benefits -


There are plenty of proteins found in eggs, fish, meat, meat (liver), (kidney), cheeses, soybean, peanuts, pulses, dairy food .


Advantages: Prolonged body production, body hygiene control, repair of physiological damage and bodybuilding. Protein is essential for body formation. Protein is a special need for disease.


Apart from this, the growth of the body, the nutrients of the body and the help to increase the talent.


Carbohydrate is present in rice, sugar, flour, flour, sweet, honey, mango, potato, candy, molasses, chira, murci, sagu, barley etc.


Advantages: The main function of Carbohydrate is to create daily energy, work enthusiasm, heat generation and fat structure. This diet is the main component of our body's formation and conservation. Those whose lean body is particularly useful for their fat growth.

Fat or fats

Fat contains fat, butter, milk flour, ice cream, nuts, oil, ghee, gourd, coconut oil and so on.

Advantages: Fat is essential for stimulus and agility in work. The main function of this diet is to produce body heat and prepare fat. Fat is very much needed to protect the body's elegance and body odor.


Minerals are present in fish, dried foods, mawa, dried fruits, mangoes, vegetables, greens, peas, coconuts, figs and foodlabels. In addition, calcium, phosphorus and iron food are present in this.


Advantages: Salted material is stored in our blood through the media. It's blood donor In the absence of calcium, osteoporosis, rickets etc. are. Calcium is helpful in blood clotting, tooth formation and preservation.


Our body needs very much. Vitamin is divided into several classes as needed. The following is discussed -


-- 'A' vitamin A in vitamins A-Gajar, Tomato, Papaya, Paddy mango, Butter, Tola, Palangshak, Hilsa fish and Cod liver etc.

Advantages: Nightmares, facial acne, body growth, stomach disorders, etc. are particularly beneficial.

-- Vitamin 'B' - There are plenty of 'B' vitamins present in mugdal, soaked and sprouts, maize, curry, sym, egg yolk, pulp etc.

Advantages: 'B' Vitamin N is very much needed in nerve and brain weakness, nerve pain, a little raging, laziness, physical and emotional work, unforeseen and constipation etc.

-- Vitamin 'C' present in Vitamin 'C' crop, orange, mousambilubu, lemon, tamarind, guava, amalaki, pineapple, sugarcane juice etc. are present.

Benefits: Gathering, dental hygiene, facilitating blood transfusion, body pain and bloodpressure are very beneficial.

-- Vitamin 'D' is found in Vitamin 'D' -Ghi, butter, milk, egg yolk, sunlight, cod liver oil etc.

Advantages: Vitamin D is the most important requirement for bone growth. Those who have insect bites, Rickets disease, and muscle puffs, these Vitamin 'D' are beneficial. Vitamin D is the most needed for small children.

-- Vitamin 'E' germinated sputum, bin, botch (peas), peacock, seam beach etc. Foods and swabins etc. Vitamin 'E' current.

Advantages: For the growth of the reproductive gland and the help of blood transfusion, 'E' is a special requirement for the nutrition of girls.

-- Vitamin K - Various types of Vitamin 'vitamin K'

Benefits: This vitamin helps in accumulation of blood. Helps stop bleeding more It is also beneficial for constipation diseases.


Apart from inflammation, diarrhea, etc., most of the diseases are water good diet. In other actions of the body is helpful. Helps keep constipation and urine clean.

Note: If you drink a glass of water (if possible, then warm, warm), you can get better results in constipation if you drink it.

One must always remember that food is not just eating. Want to have the ability to take food in the body. If the body does not take food, but it does not nourish the body while eating too much. Or excess food is converted into fat or fat. Seats and moderate exercises are needed to make the body fit to eat food. Seats and exercises increase the ability to digest well and to eat food on the body. It is essential that some seats and exercises are not always necessary.



nice 👍 I love eating salad with a good steak!

thanks for the food healthy information

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