ARTIFICIAL FOOD: Taking A Closer Look At The Ingredients And Their Health Effects - Part 6 - Food Colorings

in #food7 years ago (edited)

This series examines common artificial food ingredients and their health effects.

Please note:  This is not meant to be an exhaustive analysis.  It is simply a quick overview of some of the negative health effects associated with certain and specific artificial additives and ingredients commonly found in our “food” and body “care” products, with some added resources for you to begin or further your own research.

Written by Suzanne Borho, Doctor Of Naturopathic Medicine

In the interest of full disclosure, she's my sister.

Today’s article will focus on artificial colorings, specifically Blue 1 (E133), Red 3 (E127), Red 40 (E129), and Yellow 5 & 6 (E102 & E110). 

Taking  them one by one, in the order listed, we will look at:

1.  What they are or from where they are derived

2.  In which foods and/or body care products they are commonly found and

3.  Why they are to be avoided.

First, Blue 1 (Brilliant Blue) – E133

Via The Food Babe on

What it is: Artificial blue dye derived from petroleum.

Commonly found in: Candy, drink mixes, soft drinks, chewing gum, toaster pastries, popsicles, marshmallows, fruit snacks.

And I would also add that it is used in colored beverages, baked goods (think icing on the cake), and breakfast cereals.  Basically, all the processed junk that children love and that parents love to give them, as a nice ‘treat’, of course.

Back to the article from The Food Babe…

Why to avoid: This is one of the worst artificial colors because it has been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier. According to testimony at a FDA committee meeting, the FDA asked doctors to stop adding Blue #1 to tube feedings because “patients were dying, not from their disease, but from the Blue number 1, which apparently caused refractory hypotension and metabolic acidosis, and also, incidentally, turned their colons bright blue.” This dye is also linked to hyperactivity and an increased risk of kidney tumors. Some research suggests it is a potential neurotoxin. (End Quote)

And we wonder why there is such an epidemic of ADD, ADHD, and neurological disorders among our youth?  True, the fluoridated water, GMO food, pesticides and herbicides, and neurotoxins found in vaccines don’t help but, this is just one more unnecessary assault that can and should be avoided.

And not to be left out or overlooked, its close cousin, Blue #2, meanwhile, is reported to be linked to brain tumors; this via

Blue #2 causes a statistically significant incidence of tumors, particularly brain gliomas, in male rats.

Next, let us look at the Reds, specifically Red 3 and Red 40.

To begin, once again going back to the article by

Red 3 (Erythrosine) – E127

What it is: Artificial red dye derived from petroleum. 

Commonly found in: Strawberry milk, baked goods, maraschino cherries, candy, sausage casings. [Because who wants to eat a mish-mash of slaughtered pig parts that isn’t blood red, am I right?]

Why to avoid: Recognized as an animal carcinogen it was banned from cosmetics in 1990, yet the FDA still permits it in food. [End quote]

Well of course! It’s not safe to use topically, on your skin, but it is perfectly fine and safe to ingest!  It’s like, the farmers who wear full-on nuclear power industry standard protective suits when fumigating their crops with Round-up or other carcinogenic, neurotoxic chemical soups (because they wouldn’t want to get it on their skin or breathe it in, for Pete’s sake), but by God, it’s safe for you and your kids to eat! Makes sense to me! Continuing on…

From The Food Babe:

Red 40 (Allura Red) – E129

What it is: Artificial red dye derived from petroleum.  [Hmmm… Are we beginning to see a trend here?]

Commonly found in: Soft drinks, candy, cake, frosting, cookies, fruit cups, cherry filling, popsicles, toaster pastries, cereal bars, cereals, ice cream, yogurt, drink mixes. [End quote]

And according to an article from, Red 40 is also, and surprisingly, found in some pickles (Yes, PICKLES!), salad dressings, and various cheeses!  If you’re eating ‘cheese’ with a yellow/orange-ish hue to it, check the label!  

It appears Red 40 is much more ‘alluring’ for the food chemical industry, since it seems to be more ubiquitous than its bastard cousin Red #3.  Sausage casings?!  BAH!  Red 40 is so much above that.  

It’s such a nicer, brighter, more crisp red than the latter, making your ‘strawberry’ yogurts and ice creams and ‘strawberry’ cereals so much more ‘natural-looking’ and eye-catching.  I mean, what kid is going to eat ‘strawberry’ ice cream or yogurt that isn’t PINK?!  You mean, you want them to eat WHITE ‘strawberry’ ice cream with REAL STRAWBERRIES?!  The sheer absurdity!  [Dripping sarcasm noted.]

Back to The Food Babe:

Why to avoid: The most popular artificial color used in the U.S., linked to hyperactivity in children. Europe requires any food containing this dye to carry the warning label, “May Have an Adverse Effect on Activity and Attention in Children.” This is why many food companies use natural colors in Europe instead. Controversial research suggests this dye can accelerate the appearance of tumors.  It has no nutritional benefits and is only used cosmetically to improve the appearance of food.  [End quote]

Moving on now to the Yellows, specifically Yellow #5 & 6, via the Food Babe, once again:

Yellow #5 (Tartrazine – E102) and Yellow #6 (Sunset Yellow – E110)

What it is: Artificial yellow dyes derived from petroleum.  

Commonly found in: Candy, fruit snacks, cereals, mac n’ cheese, chips, pickles.  

My aside:  Hey, parents!  Here’s a thought!  Make your own pickles!  With the internet, there are tons of resources available out there. It’s easier than you might think!  Here are a couple links to get you started. 

 or for the more visual learners  

You can also find easy and healthy mac ‘n’ cheese recipes online, using cauliflower instead of pasta for added nutritional punch.  And hey!  Instead of processed and artificially-colored ‘fruit snacks’, why not give your kiddos REAL FRUIT?  Wash up an apple or some grapes, peel ‘em an orange, give ‘em a handful of sweet and delectable dried dates or apricots, or keep a stock of frozen berries on hand!  No need for all the processed junk when Mother Nature offers much tastier and healthier options that won’t kill ya!

But, back to the article by The Food Babe:

Why to avoid: [again, referring to Yellow #5 & 6] Linked to several health issues, including allergies and hyperactivity in children. Europe requires any food containing dyes to carry the warning label, “May Have an Adverse Effect on Activity and Attention in Children.” These dyes have been found to be contaminated with carcinogens, such as benzidine. They have no nutritional benefits and are only used cosmetically to improve the appearance of food.  [End quote]

According to Dr. Group via

“…Sunset yellow (Yellow 6) and tartrazine (Yellow 5) have been shown to behave like estrogen in the human body. [5] Why is this bad? Because high levels of estrogen, regardless of the source, can contribute to breast cancer and may decrease male sex drive, among other highly undesirable effects …”

So, let me get this straight.  The petroleum industry produces food dyes that when added to our food can cause ADHD, neurological disorders, hormone imbalances and related issues, allergies, and cancer; and then these same companies sell us petroleum-derived pharmaceuticals that will only mask the symptoms, while creating others, thus generating more profit for their over-stuffed, ill-gotten coffers.  Anyone else have a problem with this???  Oh!  And let’s not forget the reduction in IQ with which these additives are correlated!  Quoting from

“…one carefully designed, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the journal The Lancet also found that the E-numbered food dyes do as much damage to children's brains as lead in gasoline, resulting in a significant reduction in IQ….”

So, as pointed out earlier, obviously, there are countless other ways in which we and our children are being chemically assaulted on a neurological, hormonal, mental, physical, and cellular level on a daily basis.  However, I urge you to please READ ALL FOOD LABELS carefully, and avoid unnatural food colorings, or better yet, all processed foods, as much as possible.  Your body will thank you. 

I will close this article with some good advice and information from

Bottom Line: If you’re concerned, ditch the potentially dangerous synthetic dyes. Look for foods bearing the green-and-white USDA certified organic label, but be aware that foods labeled “made with organic ingredients” may still contain synthetic dyes. You can also check product ingredient lists for beet, carotenes, annatto, capsanthin (a paprika extract)—as all are natural colorants. Counterintuitively, the terms “artificial color,” “artificial color added” or “color added” also indicate that nature-derived pigments were used since synthetic dyes must be listed by their names.


Doctor Suzanne Borho's website 

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from pixabay


Thank you sir for your infirmative post

"Just say "NO" to slavery!"
We are slaves of big companies. It is like a chain, you can avoid few problems but you can not beat the whole chain.
Thank you for your great post.

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