Tueseday food waste pickup #3 Three pallets of Brie cheese... “Cheesus” [2018.02.13]

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Cheese sandwich made of 100% food waste.

This morning I received a call from one of our partners, asking if we could pickup one pallet of Brie cheese with expiry date 2018.02.18. When collecting the food it turned up to be three pallets of cheese and we managed to saved them all. We spent few hours delivering and sharing all the cheese among four Solidarity Fridge locations, Klätterfabriken (a climbing gym) and random people on the street.

This Brie cheese was made in France, so cows produced milk, cheese was produced in large facilities, packed and transported in large trucks across Europe to end up as food waste in Sweden.
We could not allow that, this cheese will be eaten.




Solidarity Fridge at Vegagatan, cheesus.




Solidarity Fridge at Bike Kitchen Gamlestan, cheesus.

Solidarity Fridge at Kortedala library, cheesus.


The aim of this post here on Steemit is to document the amount of food waste we can reduce by simply collaborating around a very basic concept, and hopefully inspire others to do the same. Just Eat It!

The Solidarity Fridge (Solikyl) is an open and collaborative project aimed at reducing food waste. Find out more in the post What is Solikyl (Solidarity Fridge)?.

Edited 2018.02.14 correcting spelling mistakes.


I had the opertunity to mix soup from Pustervik with Brie cheese, it was a instant favorite!

What other odd combination can we try for our next cheese invasion? :)

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