A Food Rescuer's Green Reward #1 | Food Waste is Nutritious

in #food6 years ago (edited)


One of the rewards by joining as a food saver (rescuer) at Solikyl is the early access to food, that you worked so hard for to rescue and share. After all, everyone needs to eat the rescued food waste as the amounts are almost endless. When you start to care about the food being wasted, you also start caring which food is more nutritious.

Images in this post shows foods that I collected from Food Waste Pickup #21, for my own consumption. If I have spend my time and effort to rescue the food from being wasted, I rather eat the food that gives my body most nutrition instead of foods that may hurt it. The same logic should apply to people who work hard to earn money for buying food, but many for some reason do not care .

What do you think are the reasons people spend their time and money to buy and eat “unhealthy” food, while the “healthy” food are being wasted?

The food rescuing work documented in this post has been carried out by our foodsavers (humans). Photos, texts and comments in our posts has been edited and written by volunteers (humans) from the Solikyl project.





The aim of this post here on Steemit is to document the amount of food waste we can reduce by simply collaborating around a very basic concept, and hopefully inspire others to do the same. Just Eat It!

The Solidarity Fridge (Solikyl) is an open and collaborative project aimed at reducing food waste. Find out more in the post What is Solikyl (Solidarity Fridge)?.


Past Food Waste Pickups







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