My Shakshuka With A Twist Recipe - North African/Middle Eastern Dish

in #food7 years ago

Shakshuka With Beans – My First Time!

A couple of months ago I was looking for a way to use up my leftover eggs. I was getting a little bored of the same old egg salad sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, and whenever type of breakfast eggs I was stuck on for the week. So my curiosity led me to search for videos on Youtube for some egg recipes and that is when I discovered Shakshuka. I was first intrigued by the recipe because I could see that it had a lot of tomatoes in it as well and at that time that I discovered this recipe I had 40 tomato plants in the ground at my sister’s house. Needless to say, I had a lot of tomatoes to use up as well which is never a problem in my house. After I cooked this the first time my family just fell in love with this recipe and I have been cooking it on a regular basis and tweaking little things here and there and it has been for the most part a great success. This time I am trying something new today, for the first time im adding beans to the recipe. I really don’t know why beans would not work out well in this recipe. In my opening and they seem to fit in perfectly. Many of the ingredients in here are also ingredients in Chili and I believe that beans are one of the most important parts of Chili.
Let me know below if you have ever tried this recipe and if so what do you think of it? Thank you for reading and happy eating!


  • Eggs
  • Tomatoes
  • Onions
  • Mushrooms
  • Green Peppers
  • Garlic
  • Cilantro/Basil/Parsley
  • Cumin
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Black Pepper
  • Olive Oil
  • Black Beans – First time today!
  • Paprika – Not pictured
  • you can add or remove any of these ingredients if you would like


First you are going to gather all of your ingredients. Start by pouring a liberal amount of olive oil into a large saucepan or pot. Put on low heat. Don’t be shy, you are not going to eat all of this and olive oil is not bad for you in these amounts.
Now chop up all of your vegetables and by the time you are done you will probably have warm oil in your pot or pan. Place all of the vegetables into the oil and sauté these vegetables for quite a while until the onions and peppers get softer. I like to add my seasonings to these vegetables right away so they can steam and sauté with these flavors. Some people add the tomatoes right now also, if you are using fresh tomatoes I would probably add than now is well but sense I am using canned today I’ve will add them after these vegetables soften up.
It will take probably 20 to 45 minutes for the vegetables and tomatoes to break down at medium heat. Once your root vegetables and tomatoes have broken down into more of a sauce then we are ready to make little pockets for our eggs.
Place the bags in the pockets and reduce the heat and cover with lid. We will use that steam heat inside to try to lightly cook the top side of the egg. Cook the egg to your preference, some people like runny eggs and others prefer fully cooked. Experiment and find what you like!

Thank you for reading!


Delicious meal ❤

waiting for more from you skyefox! keep motivating!

Yummy! I am feeling hungry. only if i there were a way to taste it , i would eat everything :D

Tasty dish @skyefox keep sharing your recipes with us

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