5 reasons to eat dark green leafy vegetables every day

in #food6 years ago

Dark green leafy vegetables are among the most beneficial among all. They are exceptional sources of vitamins A, C and K. They also contain essential minerals, antioxidants, fiber, essential amino acids. Besides, green leafy vegetables are poor in calories, making them the best friends of weight loss and diet.

Why is it important to eat dark green leafy vegetables more often?

Helps in weight loss

We mentioned that these vegetables are low in calories and that is the truth. As much a portion of a salad as you eat, it will not affect your waist badly, on the contrary. Thanks to the fiber, green leafy vegetables stimulate long-lasting satiety, despite the poor supply of calories and energy.

They dramatically reduce the risk of diabetes

Dark green leafy vegetables are among the best sources of beta- and alpha-carotene. These antioxidant compounds belong to the carotenoid family, says eatingwell.com.

The high content of carotenoids, according to research, makes dark green leafy vegetables indispensable in the fight against diabetes and its prevention.

Helps brain function
Studies in this direction have shown that 1-2-leaf leafy vegetables a day have significantly better brain functions than others. Scientists believe that this is due not only to antioxidants that suppress harmful processes in the brain, but also to vitamin K, which has the important function of stimulating the brain.

In the dark green leafy vegetables are also found extremely useful for the brain lutein, folic acid and beta-carotene.

They heal and build the bone system

We are accustomed to believing that dairy products and milk are best for bones. It turns out, however, that dark green leafy vegetables are another indispensable source of vitamin K and calcium. It is vital to strengthen not only the bones but also the muscles.

A portion of dark green leafy vegetables donate the body with an incredible 20% of the calcium needed for the day.

Powerful in the prevention of cancer

Powerful antioxidants, which are also concentrated in dark green leafy vegetables, help fight breast, uterine, brain, stomach, skin, lungs, research on the topic.

Antioxidants have the important property of neutralizing free radicals that cause oxidative processes in the body leading to tumor formation.

image -https://www.pexels.com


I try to get some greens in me every day, Usually Kale or spinach. I have even made salads from beet leaves and carrot tops?

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