Pork stew with beer recipe

in #food7 years ago

Here's how to cook the pork stew with beer. Prepare the meat in cubes, all equal the size of about 3 cm side and pass them in a bowl with flour, paprika and salt.

Wash and clean the carrot and half an onion, then prepare a finely chopped (you can use a mixer). In a large pan heat olive oil and sauté the vegetables together with sage.

Put the floured meat in the pan where the vegetables have browned and flavored the oil; brown for a few minutes over low heat, taking care to brown it on all sides.

Add the light beer, preferably at room temperature and artisan production, and raise the flame to make it fade.

When the beer has evaporated put the lid and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

After this time, check how much the cooking base has thickened: adjust accordingly and if necessary reduce further by continuing to cook without lid. Serve the pork stew with hot beer.

Ingredients for 4 people:
600 gr. Pork stew
1 of carrot
1/2 onion
400 ml of light beer
olive oil
1 spoon of sweet paprika


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