A Gardener's Kitchen: Sautéed Chayote

in #food5 years ago

A successful experiment with the chayote harvest yesterday. I tried out a brand new recipe, and it turned out to be utterly delicious. I'm even more of a chayote fan now.


For a long time, it seemed like I wouldn't be able to harvest any chayotes at all. By the end of August, the fruits on the plants were only the size of a grape. I had actually given up already. To my surprise, I was able to harvest some fully grown chayotes last week.

Chayote is not only delicious, it is also rich in vitamins and minerals and high in fiber - which is a nice extra, of course.

Since chayote is everything but a common veggie here in Belgium, I didn't exactly know what to do with them. If I remember correctly, we used the ones I harvested last year raw in salads. It's definitely not bad when eaten raw, but it's not really spectacular either. So, I wanted to experiment a little and try out some other ways to prepare this vegetable.

What I came up with yesterday was definitely a success. Sautéed chayote with bacon and herbs. Delicious!
The part I liked most was that most ingredients I used were harvested in my own garden. Obviously, I don't have bacon or white wine growing there, nor lemons - but everything else I got straight out of the garden.

We used this as a side dish, combined with a yummie pork roast.

The main ingredient: chayote. Don't they look amazing?


Ingredients: (for 3 people)

  • 2 medium sized chayotes
  • 500 gr (18 oz.) bacon, sliced into small pieces
  • 1 medium sized onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tsp of chopped thyme
  • 1 tsp of chopped rosemary
  • 15 lemon verbena leaves (chopped)
  • 2 tbs of white wine
  • 2 tsp of fresh lemon juice
  • salt and pepper


  1. Peel the chayotes, cut it in quarters and remove the stone. Cut the quarters in 0.5 cm (0.25 inch) slices.

  2. Peel the onion, cut it in half and slice it in thin half moons.

  3. Peel the garlic and press or mince it.

  4. Bake the bacon until it's crispy. Put it aside, but leave the bacon fat in your frying pan.

  5. Add the onion, garlic and chayote to the bacon fat. Toss it, so it is covered with the fat. Put a lid on the pan and let it bake until the onion and chayote turn brownish. Don't forget to stir every once in a while. This takes about 10 minutes.

  6. Add the fresh herbs and the wine. Let it cook for about 5 more minutes until the chayote is tender.

  7. Finish the dish by adding the bacon and seasoning it with salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Bon Appétit

Adaptation of this recipe - All images are my own


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A new recipe with a new vegetable! How fun!
Can't wait to try it.

Thanks for sharing this on #PYPT @PYPT

Hope you like it :0-)

Yum! Sounds delicious!! Congratulations on your bountiful chayote harvest. That's awesome. It's not a veggie used here in Canada much either. Though i have seen it a time or two in the grocery stores. It was a frequent item on the menu when I was in Costa Rica long ago. The ladies where I stayed made chayote soup a creamy liquid with onions and garlic in with the main ingredient diced up small. Boiled eggs were also added to make the soup more hardy. Have fun searching for great ways to enjoy your home grown delicious, nutritious chayote!!

Chayote itself not too spectacular for me too, but I like the leaf/shoots 😁 it can be spectacular with special hot and spicy sauces to me😊. Still... cooking something from your own garden is the best!

Amazing! They're pretty common here too. Mom cooks them a lot! We love them sauteed and add a little amount of ground pork for flavoring. Plus the usual seasoning, salt and pepper. ^_^

!giphy yummy

It was a great discovery. You can't buy chayotes in stores here, so I can only eat them when I grow them myself. So happy the harvest gave me a couple :0)

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Oh the chayote! Over here I've usually had it steamed, and you're right: it is not spectacular by any means. However, there are few things in the world that don't become simply delicious with a bit of bacon! Very well done!

The great thing about chayote is that it easily takes up other flavors.
And I'm with you on the bacon :0)

Hey @simplymike, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

That looks really good! I've never cooked with squash before, but I have used pumpkin, which I suppose is similar. I might need to give this a try! Thanks for sharing it in #pypt!

Good thing I am sitting at the open air patio of Our Fave place to eat out. Marion Street Bistro, Lake City, FLA.

Cuz Yer Post makes me Hungry...er

Best I have found. And I been to many all over the USA. Greatest part of it is.... 13 miles from Home



Never had chayotes before, but now I want to try them!

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