How to cook fish tuna with coconut milk that delicious ( Cara memasak ikan tuna dengan santan yang lezat)

in #food7 years ago

Two languages English and indonesia

Hello all...!!!

Today I want to share recipe with you : How to cook fish tuna with coconut milk that delicious ( Cara memasak ikan tuna dengan santan yang lezat)

This food looks simple, but it feels very delicious / Makanan ini terlihat sederhana tetapi rasanya sangat lezat

You want to try it, Here are the ingredients and how to cook / Anda mau mencobanya, berikut adalah bahannya dan cara memasaknya

English languages


the main ingredient :

  • 350 gram fish tuna
  • 7 curry leaves
  • 20 grams cooking oil
  • 1/2 liter coconut milk
  • 1/2 tablespoon salt
  • Flavoring to taste

Ingredients are sliced :

  • 2 cloves Shallot
  • 1 cloves garlic

Ingredients are mashed :

  • 15 cayenne pepper
  • 7 red chili
  • 3 cloves Shallot
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 4 dry star fruit
  • 1/2 tablespoon coriander powder 
  • 1/2 tablespoon turmeric powder

Indonesia languages


bahan utama :

  • 350 gram ikan tuna
  • 7 daun kari
  • 20 gram minyak goreng
  • 1/2 liter santan
  • 1/2 sendok makan garam
  • penyedap rasa secukupnya

Bahan yang diiris:

  • 2 siung bawang merah
  • 1 siung bawang putih

Bahan yang dihaluskan:

  • 15 cabai rawit
  • 7 cabai merah
  • 3 siung bawang merah
  • 2 siung bawang putih
  • 4 buah belimbing kering
  • 1/2 sendok makan bubuk ketumbar
  • 1/2 sendok makan bubuk kunyit

English and indonesia languages

How to cultivate it / Cara mengolahnya :

  • cleaning fish tuna, then cut according to taste and rinse thoroughly, after that boiled briefly/ Bersihkan ikan tuna, lalu potong sesuai selera dan bilas sampai bersih, setelah itu direbus sebentar
  • Set skillet / siap wajan
  • stir-fry until fragrant slices of material / Tumis sampai harum irisan bahan
  • enter curry leaves / masukkan daun kari
  • wait minute while stirring / Tunggu sebentar sambil diaduk
  • enter ingredients are mashed / masukkan bahan yang sudah dihaluskan

  • wait minute while stirring / Tunggu sebentar sambil diaduk
  • enter fish tuna / masukkan ikan tuna

  • wait minute while stirring / Tunggu sebentar sambil diaduk

  • enter coconut milk / masukkan santan

  • Add salt and flavorings to taste / tambahkan garam dan penyedap rasa secukupnya

  • Cook until cooked / Masak sampai matang

  • Finished

You like

Follow me @silvia

Thank you


Dear @silvia

Sorry!!! I have followed some of your posts, you are using two languages ​​in each of your posts. But it is very unfair because you do not write aceh language, because you are using #hastag #aceh. I noticed you did not. Actually your writing is very good, but you have to Sportif to use #hastag.

Especially for you, it is very sensitive, you use two languages ​​and no aceh language there.

Thank you for sharing this, following you

you are welcome @crypto-p

Bagi-bagi lah @silvia

ya boleh, tapi yang ini sudah habis barusan
makasih ya @tantry sudah mampir ke blog saya

What this is keumamas mrs @silvia
Like this 😋

thank you @sallsteem


makasih @harferri

I like fish tuna but never I try it with coconut milk !!
Look cool
Thanks for sharing

you are welcome @lordoftruth

Nice cook beibe.
I have to followed you

thank you @joe28


Nice cool! Thank you for sharing.

you are welcome @crslykk

Super and looking very tasty. Fish is my favourite dish as well. Upvoted your post.

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