"Harmful" products, which do not have to deprive

in #food7 years ago

For proper nutrition has spread all sorts of superstitions. A number of full value food today bring undeserved notoriety. In the following recommendations of the nutritionists give us reason honestly enjoy some of your favorite "bad" foods and beverages.

Gluten and wheat

They are "the most demonized products - after high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fats" claim specialists involved in research on consumer habits. For decades, scientific research has shown that foods high in gluten - such as whole wheat, rye and barley - are vital for good health. They reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer.

The problem is confusion regarding gluten, says prof. Joanne Slavin of the University of Minnesota. In this protein itself has nothing harmful. The number of people who suffer from gluten neposonosimost, does not exceed one percent of the population. One reason for the popularity of gluten-free diets is that people who do not consume wheat, and ignore the excess calories of cakes and pastries. So attributed its improved form of abstinence from gluten.


Eggs also do not deserve the bad reputation. It was argued that because of their high cholesterol content they strongly rising level of "bad" (LDL) cholesterol in the blood and increase the risk of heart disease. But the content of cholesterol in food is not among the essential factors that contribute to high cholesterol in most people, and no studies have established correlation between egg consumption and the risk of heart disease. The main factor in the rise of bad cholesterol are saturated fats. While the eggs having a high content of holestrol (184 milligrams in the yolk), they are relatively low in saturated fat - about 1.6 g in the yolk.


Potatoes have long been raided for high blood sugar, insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes type 2. A recent study by scientists from Harvard University made the link between the consumption of potatoes and overweight, by declaring that the reason is the rise in blood glucose. But many other foods such as cereal, also cause spikes in blood sugar and still help maintain a healthy shape.

What then is due to overweight in that study? In it together collected all potato products - including chips and french fries. From these two versions of potatoes actually quite fattening, especially given that usually eaten in large portions with burgers, sausages and fizzy drinks.

Potatoes are a valuable source of potassium, vitamin C and fiber. Many cultures - Scandinavian Russians Irish and Peruvians - relied on them as a staple food for centuries - and not thick.


While it is popular for centuries in many Asian cultures soy entered the list of "dangerous food" after several studies have found an increased incidence of breast cancer in laboratory rats fed a concentrated soy product. But studies tracking the consumption of soy in humans have not found such a link, even rather the opposite. "Soybeans consumed in childhood and adolescence may make breast tissue less vulnerable to cancer development in later life, and probably has no influence when it starts to be consumed in adulthood," write the experts. On the other hand the evidence that soy protects against heart disease, are convincing enough to prevent some countries this should be noted on the labels of soy products.


There are reasons for fear of alcohol - abuse and alcoholism, as well as the potential complications, such as liver, upon overuse. But most studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption reduces the risk of heart disease and increases the level of "good" (HDL) cholesterol. A wine has additional benefits because of the large amount of antioxidants contained in grapes. The key is to drink moderately, and it together with food.

Fried foods

While it is true that frying makes food more calorific, it does not automatically follow that it becomes harmful. As far as fry in vegetable oil naturally and eat moderately, it is not less healthy. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as useful for the heart and prevent cancer carotenoids - beta-carotene (in carrots), lycopene (in tomatoes), lutein and zeaxanthin (in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and rhubarb) need of fat to be absorbed. The problem is in the saturated and trans fatty acids (these fats are usually solid at room temperature) which izoblistvat in many foods fried tiger and are associated with a higher risk of heart disease.

Source: Bright Side

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