Spicy Tom yam soup.....

in #food6 years ago

Recipe: "" Spicy Tom Yam Soup "" ":)

Materials :

  1. Four cups of chicken stock,
  2. Lemon grass two,
  3. Dried lemon leaves are seven,
  4. Tomato three,
  5. Four table spoons of fish sauce,
  6. Thai Chili Paste Two table spoons,
  7. Two lemons, 100 grams of mushrooms,
  8. Three glasses of sugar,
  9. Pound of parsley,
  10. One tablespoon of Dhaniapatka Kichi
    . image

First heat the chicken stock in a pan. Keep stirring this time with lemon grass and lemon leaves. Now stir it with fish sauce, tomato kochi, Thai chili paste and mushrooms. When it starts to boil, cook for some time with shrimp. Finally cook for 15 minutes with lemon juice. Pour down the oven from the oven and spread it on top of the dhyanipata khich. Spicy Tom Yam Soup
https://www.google.com/search?q=tom+yum+soup&oq=tom+yum+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.4229j0j7&client=ms-android-WALTON&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8Image source

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