Why Do You Get Sleepy After You Eat?

in #food7 years ago (edited)

  Anyone who ever got stood up for a date and soothed themselves by eating  a whole basket of breadsticks knows how bad a food coma can be. But why  does eating make you so sleepy? It's not exactly a HIIT cardio routine.  It's all about the chemicals — and not just the ones in your pasta  alfredo. 

Tryptophan's Partner In Crime

Food comas don't really make any sense, when you think about it. Eating is supposed to give you energy, so why would you get tired after dinnertime? As it turns out, it all comes down to what and how much of it you're eating. Tryptophan is probably the best-known culprit of post-nummies naps, and its most notorious hang-out is in Thanksgiving turkey. The only thing is, tryptophan on its own is a long way from the complete picture.Some studies have found that an influx of carbohydrates has a much greater effect on your sleepiness than turkey ever could alone. A plateful of potatoes will cause your blood sugar to spike and then fall, and when it does, you'll crash hard. Moreover, if the meal you're eating has both carbohydrates and tryptophan-rich foods, the effects combine — the carbs essentially clear the path for the tryptophan to reach your brain and slow you down. Turkey sandwich? Good night, amigo. Don't think cutting out turkey will solve the issue, either. A lot of common foods have as much or more tryptophan, including mozzarella, bacon, and soybeans.

Wakey Wakey, Eggs (No Bakey)

  So we've got a recipe for sleepy times. But if you're hungry  and you've got to keep your energy up, what should you put on the menu?  Rule one is moderation. Big portions inevitably lead to big crashes. But  once you've got sensible sizes down, try these snacks for a little  boost.

  • Oatmeal: Yes, it's carbs — that's where  moderation comes in. But oatmeal also has the benefit of being  slow-burning. Instead of rushing through the peak and crash, it'll keep  you rolling all morning long.
  • Beans: A cup of beans is  packed with protein, and will leave you feeling full and satisfied.  Better yet, it will stabilize your blood sugar levels so you can keep up  a steady pace all day.
  • Almonds: These nutrient-rich nuts contain both Vitamin B and magnesium — the latter of which has been linked to an improved metabolism while exercising.
  • Eggs: Also full of protein, eggs  give you a jumpstart in the morning with heart-healthy monounsaturated  and polyunsaturated fatty acids. But you might want to skip the bacon if  you need to stay alert.


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