From this weeks judge of #steemitculinarychallenge - Why I eat a (mostly) raw vegan diet

in #food7 years ago (edited)

I would like to thank @woman-onthe-wing for asking me to judge this great weekly competition #steemitculinarychallenge.

Food is of course one of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy body & mind. And when care is taken to prepare it, can be a most pleasurable break from the daily grind. It also presents an opportunity for families and communities to come together and share their knowledge and food lovingly.

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10 years ago the food I put in my body was 100% about the pleasure I gained from eating it. I had no interest in nutritional value or the effects of the chemicals and preservatives.

And then from a rather unexpected source came my salvation: For one year I lived with a male porn star @sebcam, whose goal was to achieve maximum energy combined with an aesthetically pleasing body through his diet and free-running regiment. After researching the subject for many years he had concluded that raw vegan was the optimum diet for this purpose.

He appeared to me to have an enormous amount of energy, he never got sick, was always very positive, and had a body that I was somewhat envious of.

So, naturally I thought I would give it a try. And... wow! Everything changed almost instantly. And I have never looked back. Thank you @sebcam. I am forever indebted.

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Thanks also to David Wolfe for this nice little montage here. Hope to see you on Steemit soon!

@sebcam advised me to start slowly and add things to my diet rather than take things away. So I started each day with a freshly squeezed orange juice, right before my sausages, bacon, eggs, beans & toast!


I had one big salad every day and one big smoothie too, fruit mixed with some spinach.

Very quickly my body started to feel different. I had more energy and even my mind felt better somehow. And I wanted more of this awesome feeling...

So I became more strict with myself, gave up meat & dairy completely and did my best to eat raw fruit & veg as much as possible.

I did crave the 'naughty' foods at first and found myself eating a lot of nuts to compensate, but this was expensive and not good for me in these quantities. As my knowledge grew so too did the variety of my food and preparation techniques.

In the cold of the London winter I very much enjoyed preparing this smoothie, a combination of warm water, ground cacao beans, bananas & creamed coconut.

Unlike @sebcam, exercising didn't interest me. Only diet. Yet even without the exercise I lost all my excess body fat and developed muscles where I never had them before in less than a year!

As you can see above I was more comfortable in my body than I had ever been. Big poser! haha :)

I mentioned my mind because this was evolving with my body. I started questioning modern society and doing tons of research to discover as much as I could about every subject you can imagine.

And it quickly became evident that I was very out of place in the city, trying to make ends meet as a filmmaker.

So I said goodbye to it all and set off out into the world with little more than my clothes & camera kit in a bag on my back.

Less than a year later I met my partner Sabrina on a bus in Thailand and now we have two beautiful children, Esteban & Luna. We have been travelling together for three years and are currently based in Bali... and finding it rather hard to leave :)

All of us are vegans. And all of us are in perfect health. We are not 100% raw vegans and we are not strict vegans either. Sabrina is from the South of France and loves to cook. And around once a month we do have a meat night, making sure the meat is blessed and shown respect. And we do also have eggs from time to time. But I always feel in my body when I need to go raw for a while and sometimes even do a few days of fasting, drinking only water or fruit smoothies.

We really love our daily smoothies & salads, and we particularly enjoy sprouting our own beans & lentils. This softens them up & increases nutrients without any cooking required.

They take only a few days to sprout and we eat them in the salads.

This Week's Theme - Raw Vegan Dessert

I chose this theme because there is nothing better than a tasty dessert and I enjoy it even more when I know I am eating something good for me. It's a tough one when we are accustomed to sugar, pastry & dairy filled creations... but where there is a will there is a way!

Our favourite dessert is a raw vegan cheesecake. The base is made with crushed almonds & dates. The topping is made with cashew cream (after soaking them overnight), vanilla bean paste, melted coconut oil, agave and lemon juice.

Sorry to say that I don't have any pictures of our past creations, but I very much look forward to seeing yours.

Thanks for reading everyone, and I hope you enjoy the challenge.

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Hello my friend

I really liked this subject
Thank you for this kind information

My pleasure. Thank you for reading it and I hope you enter the food competition :)

I'm looking forward to lots of good recipes!

Me too! It's quite a tough theme :)

Yes extremely demanding. And I still have not really an idea.

That's a great transformation you have made. Congrats!

Thank you. The transformation is ongoing. And I hope it never ends!

But what is most interesting of all is that the older I get, the better I feel in my body :)

Nice post. I have also improved my health since I am mainly eating vegan. I used to have stomak pains often before I started and now it is very rare. I do not make a meat night but I sometimes have a little piece of cheese and I think it is fine. I want to start making more smoothies so I am excited to read more recipes :)

Great to hear about your journey! There is no question that a (mostly) vegan diet will get the body back on the path to health and also I think tune us in to nature a bit better, leading us back towards our true selves.

With smoothies, we just make it up. Though when mangoes are in season here these are always the first thing to go in. They seem to make a really good base flavour you can add anything to :)

What a wonderful story about your journey to good health @samstonehill! Thanks so much for providing this information in addition to your theme for the Steemit Culinary Challenge, as most of us have much to learn from each other's approaches to diet and health. And what a transformation in your physical self, I can't believe those photos! Awesome :-)

My pleasure. Thanks for thinking of me to do this :) I don't normally encourage competition in life (anymore) but when the competition seeks to help others in their journey to health & happiness I am all for it!

Whilst my physical transformation is noticeable, the spiritual transformation has changed every single aspect of my life. And I do believe my introduction to a raw vegan diet was the catalyst :)

I totally agree... the health behaviours of others definitely inspires people to question their own. I've been a very health-conscious person for the last 4-5 years now but still learn so much from others, particularly since getting involved with the SCC! I am not a competitive person at all either, and thankfully I think most of the participants enjoy their cooking more than whether they win prizes. All good fun here, and perhaps you may even submit your own recipes in future... :-) We're glad to have you as judge this week though!!!

That sounds great! I'm trying to eat healthier aswell. More fruit and veggies mostly. My boyfriend loves his meat though, so we do eat that with most meals. We do switch to fish or veggie burgers a couple of times a week.
What I find most difficult is to keep away from chocolate!

I'm going to be joining the contest this week with a nice and easy recipe. Won't be before monday though.

Like I said it's best to start by adding things to your diet rather than taking things away and listen to what your body says after the meal. I know it sounds strange, but your body speaks to you if you listen.

You can make your own chocolate, raw vegan style... and its goooooooood for you :)

I believe if I'm not mistaken you have until Wednesday to get your entry in?

I have noticed lately that my body reacts differently to sugar. In the last two years, I've eaten less and less of it, replacing it with fruit and honey. Now, when I eat too much sugar-riddled food, my stomach starts to protest. I guess that shows us how bad sugar is in the first place.

I did dabble in making my own chocolate, which is awesome! So far, I can only make dark, dark chocolate, but I'm still experimenting with different additions to make it a little more sweet. Until then, these tasty milk praline chocolates are sometimes too tempting. Everything in moderation, right? :-)

Yes, until Wednesday, so I'll be fine :D

Great post! I was thinking about making a vegan cheesecake for the challenge, but then decided to try something different. Also looking forward to see all the healthy recipes this week, now I gotta get back to cooking haha

Many thanks for the comment :) I am also looking forward to all the heathy recipes and hope they will give us some ideas for the future.

Happy cooking! Or... as a raw vegan would say... Happy food preparation!

Very true! It was actually my first time preparing vegan food, well consciously anyway haha it tasted awesome and I think I'm gonna research more recipes now, gonna try to make a post tomorrow!

Thank you for reading it. I am grateful for your comment.

And I hope to see your entry soon ;)

Wow, what a wonderful story of your journey to health. Sage advice for those seeking health and longevity. Thank you for promoting what has obviously worked for you. resteemed

a very good healthy dessert theme,I think nobody don't love it.

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