Aussie Noms- Staples and Snackies from Down Under- The U.S.S. Minnowprize!

in #food7 years ago (edited)

In a lot of the Aussie Differences blog, I have touched on some of the food!


And that is with good reason! Australian food is incredibly different from the food found stateside! Here are a couple little snacks and staples! If you like these, there could be many, many more to follow!

The food is endlessly different! Let's take a peek at a couple mainstays and oddities!


Snags, or sausages, are an Aussie staple much like hot dogs are in the USA! However, like pretty much EVERY other food, theirs are better.

Way better. The fillings are real, grade A meat and come in a variety of flavors!

In fact, from what I have observed in stores, "hot dogs" do not really exist except for a gimmicky package touting "US-style" annnnd they look repulsive. Which makes me realize how repulsive our hot dogs really are when placed next to a real sausage.

A snag sandwich is a wonderous thing. I had no idea what we were doing heading to what appears to be a home improvement store for lunch. Well, Bunnings has a sizzle stand, where they sell only two things. A snag sandwich and drinks. Even better, it is a fundraiser and the funds go to support local community projects!

My god, they are so good and ridiculously cheap. The beauty is their simplicity. A cooked sausage, split in half, with optional fried onions, between two slices of white bread. Popular condiments being bbq sauce, tomato sauce (yes, it is different from ketchup), and mustard.

My stomach growls just thinking about it.

This is a cheap, easy, and fast meal that is offered in a lot of households!


"Prawns? You mean shrimp?" you are probably saying to yourself. And I thought the exact same thing when I saw it on the menu. I love shrimp! I'll eat my weight in them!

Well, let me tell you, prawns are different from shrimp in sheer size alone. These damn things are massive.

And massively delicious.

They are easily 3-5 times the size of the average shrimp served in the USA and they are available on almost every menu you order from.

They have them on fast food sandwiches, on dominoes pizzas, inside other things like a seafood tur-duck-en.

They are so massive, that six of them is easily a meal because of the amount of meat on the ass of these things.

I can't go back to shrimp, guys. I just can't.

Bacon Rashers

Speaking of food being different, the one that floors me the most?

The bacon.

Stateside I rarely add bacon to anything unless I am eating a BLT. Our bacon isn't the most appetizing thing in the world, personally. So when I had a bacon rasher on a Macca's sandwich in Oz...

The entire world changed.

Our bacon is a lie.

That strip-y, crispy, over salted, chewy or disintegrates when touched meat ribbon is NOT bacon.

All hail bacon rashers! Expose the fake bacon!

Chip sandwich (chip butty)

Hold on to your not-yet-clogged arteries!

This is one that I had only found out about just the other day.

Chips (aka fries) on white bread with butter and/or chicken salt.

Yep, that's it. If you need to fill your stomach fast before an outing, a chip sandwich will give you plenty of starches to keep you going until you can get to a more nutritious source of food (like how I am trying to justify eating this?). Or another chip sandwich.

I ain't judging.

This is actually a UK thing, but like many, it found it's way over here! Or maybe it found it's way over there? You guys can research that one. I feel fat enough without researching its origin!

Curry and chili flavored EVERYTHING

There are few foods that these flavors are NOT available in.

Chips, chocolate, candies, meats of all kinds...

I have started hunting for the weirdest one. I am sure I will find it given a little more time.

So far, my favorite has been curry meat pies and chili jerky.

I can live on these. In fact, I just might.

As always thank you for reading and we hope you like what we brought to the blockchain today! Please leave your feedback in the comments! We love to hear it!! Stay tuned for Microscopic Mondays, Drones, and silliness!
Much love, @stitchybitch & @sammosk <3

gif credit to imgur, tenor, makeagif, and giphy!


i like food my friend @sammosk thanks for sharing..

you seem to be enjoying the food on stateside, they like to do things different from the rest of the world

i am also love food @sammosk

And now i need to go eat some food for you made me hungry thinking of the snags and prawns.. too bad everything I have is all nasty American food.

When i see any food, i become hungry whether i already take food or not.

thanks. have a nice day

Mmmm delicious
Can you give me one 😜

If you like the good food

Aussie Aussie Aussie ...

i like food my friend.thanks!!

O man that looks so flaming good. Num num num.

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