Wisata Kuliner "Rujak Nibong"

in #food7 years ago


Wisata kuliner itu, apalagi yang maknyus, bisa membuat proses pembebasan dari kebosanan. Goyangan lidah terasa membuat saraf-saraf halus menembus kebuntuan aliran darah. Orang Aceh pesisiran utara menyebutnya “Rujak Nibong"

Culinary tour, let alone a delicious, can make the process of liberation from boredom. Gobbling of the tongue feels to make the fine nerves penetrate the deadlock of blood flow. The northern coastal people call it "Rujak Nibong"


Sentuhan “Rujak Nibong” membuat semangat hidup merambat ke saraf-saraf otak untuk bekerja lebih kreatif lagi. Rasanya rangsangan saraf-saraf itu bisa membuat hidup lebih dinamis membawa proses transendensi menembus batas-batas ketidak-berdayaan.

The touch of "Rujak Nibong" makes the spirit of life propagate to the nerves of the brain to work more creatively again. It seems that the stimulation of the nerves can make life more dynamic to bring the transcendent process through the boundaries of helplessness.

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