Order food never feels satisfying

in #food7 years ago

Before sleep hunger

Everyone must know this feeling. It is getting late in the evening and you had your last meal hours ago. Your stomach is in for some tasty stuff! BUT the fridge is empty and obviously, you just cannot go to bed on an empty stomach. Although everyone knows that a snack just before sleep isn’t the healthiest thing to do, It is sometimes not something to avoid easily.

Limited options


In the Netherlands, options are (very) limited. You can order some food but basically, the only choice is pizza, burgers, sushi or shoarma. And if after 10 P.M……we’ll just forget about it. I don’t understand why not more businesses are filling this huge gap between home cooking and order food in the night. It’s a fact everyday life is getting faster and faster. So more and more people struggle to cook a decent meal evening after evening. We can order food from this site: Thuisbezorgd.nl

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I mean, compared to let’s say the early eighties more couples are both having a full-time job and some even have children. So after work, time is very limited. How convenient it would be to not only order late night meals but also ready to eat fresh meals after work. And by fresh I sure do mean healthy normal meals containing vegetables, meat, and potatoes or something. You know what I mean. That would definitely save time AND be tasty as f#ck!

The USA is always choice country #1

Well, that is what the majority of the people in the rest of the world tend to believe. I keep challenging my mind about why only so limited food can be ordered in the Netherlands. But when searching the internet for food to order in other countries it isn't much different. Except for the time, you can still order food. In the USA in the big cities, you can almost order food 24/7. So I consider that as a plus. But there is a lot of space for improvement. Especially in the healthy food district sort to speak!

Ok, now I'm very hungry....time: 22:20...nope nothing possible anymore!

Fellow Steemians, have the best day! And don't forget, Life is for living!


Standby loaf of bread and egg on emergency...
Can always make the emergency last minute supper before hitting bed, sandwich.. :)
In my country malaysia, we are fortunate to be surrounded almost 24x7 on food paradise, good food and decent country for vacation even... if u happen to visit Asia, do not miss Malaysia.. Good luck and God Bless

Thanx I guess Malaysia won't be able to fit in my diet! I love asian food!

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