in #food8 years ago (edited)

If Steemit was a bar and Steem power was a drink what would it look and taste like.
I asked a friend of who happens to be a bar tender to make me a cocktail?

I want it to be colorful featuring the Steemit colors of Blue, light blue and white!

Our first drink was this!!

Thou "very sweet." the light blue gave me a cloudy feeling!

So he made another!

But something wasn't right! The color and taste was right! sweet but powerful. I suggested he add it to a swirl glass with wedge of top.

Getting better the swirl glass gives the apprentice of floating space. The curves reminds me of the Steemit logo.

Very nice but... It need some thing more...???

Finally this is what we came up with: I introduce the "STEEMTAIL!" After all waht a Steem drink without ...steem.
We use a pinch of dry ice which is a compressed carbon dioxide gas. Don't worry the smoke is not harmful, just try over inhale the gases. Plus the ice will chill your drink super fast.

Want to make one here's how!

1 1/2 oz 151 proof rum
1 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
1 oz triple sec
4 oz ginger ale
1 oz lime juice

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into glass.
("Be sure to wait until the dry ice evaporates before drinking!")

"We also made one for the other networks!"


What about your own pictures? To show the cocktail for real?

Yes ill upload them, it's 4am where I'm at!

Lol, cool, look forward to seeing them

Love it. Cheers , Santé , Prost , 乾杯 , Skål, На здоровье , Sláinte , 干杯.

I am a bit short on dry ice but I think I can almost do the others.

I have tried making cocktails a couple of times but I always fail and then me and my friends have to drink that.

Measure right amounts is the key! A few extra drops can change the whole drink!

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