Mr. Delicious #1: Lincah Busu, The Most Delicious Rujak In Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia/ Rujak Paling Enak di Pidie (with Bahasa and Video Inside)

in #food7 years ago

Hi Steemians!
Do you know? When coloniaze era, there are army of Aceh and Dutch who are in same strengt are involved in battle at the garden full of fruit, they battle with sword and then all the fruit there are chopped out and they feel tired after the never end battle, they are starving and eat that chopped fruit, and that very tasty after the fight, they open Lincah Shop, So that is the place where we are going today.

Tahu kah kamu? (saya bukan tahu Pak!-red) maksud saya taukah anda kalau dulu, saat perang belanda, ada dua orang, pejuang Aceh dan tentara Belanda bertarung di sebuah kebun buah yang semua sedang berbuah pohonnya, dengan menggunakan pedang, lalu karena mereka kekuatannya sama, pertarungan hebat ini tak berhenti sampai berhari-hari, sampai banyak buah yang terpotong-potong. Setelah lelah dan kelaparan mereka terkapar di bawah pohon, dan mencicipi buah yang mereka potong, rupanya setelah bercampur, rasa buah itu menjadi sangat enak, mulai saat itu, mereka tak bertarung lagi, dan membuka kedai rujak.

We are going to eat that Lincah Busu Today. This is Indonesian national food, especially in Aceh. There is various kind of Lincah here. One of them is Lincah Busu. This is chopped fruits and mixed it with a special ingredient that consists of sugarcane and chili. You can adjust the taste is you want spicier you can ask the makers to make it spicier.

Lincah atau bahasa Indonesianya rujak adalah kombinasi buah yang dicincang, dan dicampur dengan saus khusus yang dibuat dari tebu dan cabai. Anda bisa menyesuaikan rasanya apakah Anda ingin lebih pedas Anda bisa meminta para pembuatnya untuk membuatnya lebih pedas.

This place located about 5 miles from the main city of Sigli, we can turn right before Rambayan masjid and follow the main street, cross the village and at the end of the bridge, we can see the shop, written Lincah Busu on it. so when you eat the lincah.

Tempat ini dekat loh, kalau dari kota Sigli hanya 5 kilometer, kita bisa belok kanan di jalan sebelum masjid Rambayan, kita ikuti saja jalan besar dan laju kita dapatkan kedai di pinggir sawah bertuliskan Lincah Busu di pampletnya, ada juga nomer hape abang yang jualnya disana untuk pesan antar.
On the left side of this shop is the wide ricefield and on the right side is river so you can eat Lincah and feel relax while seeing the view.

Letak kedai sederhana ini di pinggir sawah dan sungai irigasi, jadi yang iri bisa diceburkan ke sungai ini. Eh maksud saya anda akan lebih rileks menikmati rujak karena lokasinya yang indah ini.

The Lincah busu now well known in Aceh, some people came from far away to taste this vegetarian food. The fruit that they put in it are raw banana, peanut, mango, pineapple, yam, rose apple, and mix it with special ingredient called manisan this is like sauce which is put after all the fruit are chopped into very small pieces.

Lincah Busu kini terkenal berkat saya 10%. yang suka promosi kemana-mana ajak kawan-kawan saya ke sini, berkat orang lain juga 90% yang suka makan disini dan ajak kawan-kawannya juga.

They open the shop since morning, there are only two workers that worked in this humble shop, one is the chef and one is waiters. We can see directly the process of making lincah in front of us. This is an open kitchen and people can watch what they want to eat later, It is like a show to us, we can watch how fast they chopped the fruit and how incredible they make it mixed.

Kedai ini buka sejak pagi jam 10.00 WIB, kita bisa lihat langsung abang itu buat lincahnya, sudah kayak atraksi aja, kecepatan memotong buah. dan tempat pembuatannya yang unik.

This food is recommended for pregnant women, this can help the baby healthy because all of the fruit that put in Lincah is fresh. So we can easily find pregnant women who came with their husband here, to enjoy Lincah.
I always came with my friend here monthly, when we feel dizzy at work or when our digestion is unfriendly anymore, this can help. To maximize the morning call (poop). This can help like we drink coffee in the morning. Its works more healthy way because this is natural.


ini makanan direkomendasi untuk ibu-ibu hamil karena sehat. Ibu ibu belum hamil juga boleh makan loh. jadi jangan lupa ke sini kalau anda ke Sigli

If You Guys visit Aceh, you must to come here, and try this delicious food!


Mantap bang,lincah yang mantap, nyoe baroe lincah asli Pidie

Betoi... nyoe paleng mangat... haha

Butoi that nyan bg,,hawa gop2 bak takalen hehehhe

Tapi menye hawa jinoe han kumah jak lee..ka itop malam

Nyoe salah satu penyesatan terhadap lincah.
na can di dhet le awak Beulaga.
Eeeeeh Belanda maksud saya.

Nyan nan jih fiksi promosi

BUSU, emang groen that. Lincah apa Tafa!

Vusu mantap.. droen hana mantap

Wow so delisyes.. Ai laik dis... Wen yu imvait mi tu gona der?

Ya.. i preh yu.. jak lajuu

Lincahhhh uyeeee

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