Chicken Soup is Simple: ( Soto Ayam Sederhana)

in #food6 years ago


Steemanian colleagues all good afternoon, happy lunch with loved ones yes.

Siang ini kebetulan saya memasak soto ayam dengan resep yang sangat sederhana.
Soto ayam merupakan makanan yang berkuah kuning, bersantan dengan suwiran daging ayam didalamnya. Namun jangan salah sahabat steemanian soto ada juga yang berwarna putih bening, namun kali ini soto yang saya masak adalah soto dengan warna kuning .

This afternoon I happened to cook chicken soup with a very simple recipe.
Soto ayam is a yellow berkuah food, bersantan with suwiran chicken meat in it. But make no mistake friend steemanian soto there is also a clear white, but this time soto that I cook is soto with yellow .


For the Recipe please note yes:

1/2 kilo gram of chicken
1.5 liters of clean water
2 bay leaves
2 stalks of lemongrass
1 lengkaus segment
Cooking oil to taste
Just enough salt
Sugar is enough
Savor flavor sufficiently
Ground spices:

9 shallots
8 cloves of garlic
1 segment of turmeric
1 segment of ginger
3 pieces of candlenuts
Pepper to taste

How to make chicken soup is simple:

1.Boil chicken with lemongrass, bay leaf and galangal. Wait until it boils.

2.Smooth the ingredients smooth and then sauteed with oil until the smell is fragrant.
If the boiled chicken stew, add the seasoning that has been pan-fished, then stir until evenly distributed.

3.Next input salt, sugar and flavor (just taste). The test feels whether it is right or not.

4.See if the chicken is ripe. If it is, lift it for frying.

5.If already fried, suwir and prepare into the bowl along with the complementary material, then flush with soup soto on it.

6.Add soy sauce, lime, cayenne pepper, and topping the soup

7.simple chicken soup ready to serve.

Untuk Resepnya silakan dicatat ya:

1/2 kilo gram ayam
1,5 liter air bersih
2 lembar daun salam
2 batang serai
1 ruas lengkaus
Minyak goreng secukupnya saja
Garam secukupnya saja
Gula secukupnya saja
Penyedap rasa secukupnya
Bumbu halus:

9 siung bawang merah
8 siung bawang putih
1 ruas kunyit
1 ruas jahe
3 buah kemiri
Merica secukupnya

Cara membuat soto ayam sederhana:

1.Rebuslah ayam bersama dengan serai, daun salam dan lengkuas. Tunggu sampai mendidih.

2.Haluskan bahan bumbu halus lalu tumis dengan minyak hingga baunya harum.
3.Jika rebusan ayam sudah mendidih, masukan bumbu yang telah ditumis tadi, lalu aduk sampai merata.

4.Selanjutnya masukan garam, gula dan penyedap rasa (secukupnya saja).

5.Goreng ayam sebentar saja

6.Suwir ayam yang telah digoreng tadi dan siapkan ke dalam mangkuk bersama dengan bahan pelengkap, lalu siram dengan kuah soto di atasnya.

7.Soto ayam sederhana siap dihidangkan.


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woowww... ka lheuh bu deuk teuh lom
ta ingat soto si nyak @riamisna

hana masalah nyan @nekmudagroh tamah lom bu bacut teuk..

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