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RE: This Is What Happened When I Quit Eating Sugar and Junk Food

in #food8 years ago

I have compulsive tendencies but I always thought that part of me was from being a creative maniac....I survived sexual abuse as a child and had raging issues that I've finally laid to rest. I read whey when prepared correctly as to not damage the proteins is a super food. I grew up on raw milk, milked my neighbors cows! However Mom gave us lots of treats as incentives for being a good kid and that is where my sugar addiction started.


it wasn't until i got healthy physically that my ability to handle my emotions finished growing and by then i was 40!

I was around 32 when I figured out I caused a lot of my suffering from reacting .... 40 I left my dysfuntional family for good! At least we grew up! <3

there is that. it's just, i see my friends and family in these self destructive loops and i remember being the person who wouldn't listen and didn't know it, and i know they have to do it all themselves. it's frustrating. i guess living by example is all there is.

That's the only thing we can do is live and teach through example. I tried so hard to help I almost died, that would of helped no one. Now I wait and pray they see the light <3

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