Do not take our food!

in #food7 years ago

I am part of a group called E.P.I.C. which stands for empowering people in community. It is a social justice group based out of the Local Community Food Center. Today while we gathered as a group to work on some of our new gardens, a couple approached our group about the fact that they are currently under threat of eviction. The cause of this threat of eviction is that they are growing food on their front lawn.

My immediate reaction was disbelief, not in my town, not in Canada...

This however is exactly the kind of issue that EPIC was put together to fight against. As such as a group we are now rallying around the issue to get the related bylaws amended. Any and all support on this issue is greatly appreciated.

What would you do if this happened in your town or city?

Thank you for your time and attention.



We grew some food back at my grandparents' place! Those were great times! It's stupid to evict people for growing food! So much stupid in this world!

We have had people get fined and taken to court over similar activities related to gardens in the U.S. for a number of years now.

The more control we give them over our lives the more they try to take.

Lets take back control.

You have to be sneaky. Those people who are trying to control the world did everything in secret. That's how they got away with so much.

I do my best not to focus on the big bad evil. Just doing the little good I can, that is the difference I can make.

We are trying. The problem is we gave away TOO MUCH control so it the people calling the shots can commit crimes with no accountability.

We didn't give it away. They did what they did in secret and by causing distractions so that we wouldn't be focused on all the robbery and control that they grabbed. There were many laws passed that no one knew about. There was the 2000 page health care bill that was passed without anybody reading what was in it, etc., etc.

Well GAVE IT AWAY I blame on us for keeping on electing people based upon what they SAY when they run for office without giving a shit about their past elections. If we keep electing the status quo because it feels safe and normal then we should get used to the fact that we really like electing crooks.

I thought that the elections were rigged, no matter who people voted for.

For the most part they are. I've seen it first hand as a supporter of Ron Paul down in the trenches. Very rigged, though I don't think they rigged it quite right this last time. Their reaction tells me it likely did not go as they planned.

They rigged, alright. Maybe somehow they made a mistake, and did themselves in, because they were certainly expecting for someone else to win.

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