Chicken Curry/Gulai Ayam [ENG-IND]

in #food7 years ago



Good afternoon, How are you friends steemit friends, good luck on all ,. Today @ rayasfara will share the recipe of making chicken curry.


750 gr chicken stud
5 cloves of red onion
4 cloves garlic
6 pieces of red chili or according to taste
3 candlenuts
1 segment of turmeric
1 segment of ginger
2 segments galangal
1 stalk lemongrass
2 bay leaves
2 orange leaves
5 cloves
1 sachet of instant coconut milk
Salt, sugar,

1.Clean chicken, cut to taste, set aside
2.Espice spices except bay leaf, lime leaves, lemongrass and galangal.
3.Stir all the spices until fragrant and cooked. Enter chicken, add water. After the water shrinks, enter the coconut milk. Add more water, mix well. Finally enter salt, sugar
4.Raise and serve



Selamat sore,Bagaimana kabar teman teman steemit,semoga pada sehat semua,. Hari ini @rayasfara akan berbagi resep membuat gulai ayam.


750 gr ayam pejantan
5 siung bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
6 buah cabe merah atau sesuai selera
3 butir kemiri
1 ruas kunyit
1 ruas jahe
2 ruas lengkuas
1 batang serai
2 lembar daun salam
2 lembar daun jeruk
5 buah cengkeh
1 sachet santan instant
Garam, gula

1.Bersihkan ayam, potong sesuai selera, sisihkan
2.Haluskan bumbu kecuali daun salam, daun jeruk, serai dan lengkuas.
3.Tumis semua bumbu hingga harum dan matang. Masukka ayam, tambahkan air. Setelah air menyusut, masukkan santan. Tambahkan air lagi, aduk rata. Terakhir masukkan garam, gula
4.Angkat dan sajikan


stemmit indonesia.png


saya sudah follow and vote, jangan lupa follback and upvote juga ya 😊🙏 trimakasih

Waw lezat tu...

Tak di ragukan lagi kelezatannya boss, buruan di coba resepnya

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