Savoury recipe idea: Irish Dry Aged Roastbeef with oven-roasted Rosemary Potatoes - Herzhafte Rezeptidee: Irisches dry-aged Roastbeef mit gebackenen Rosmarinkartoffeln (ENG/GER)

in #food8 years ago (edited)

If the stress bulks up over the week, this savoury evening dinner is a perfect way to battle it. From environmentalism and health standpoints I value sustainable farming as source of the beef I buy. This time I picked out Irish Dry Aged Roastbeef.

Ireland offers not only a green landscape, the land is fertile and good suited for beef production. A mild climate and the natural rainfalls allow cattle to graze outside on a diet of grass all year. The saturated fats linked with heart disease in such a meat are lower.

Irland bietet nicht nur eine grüne Landschaft, der Boden ist fruchtbar und sehr geeignet für die Zucht von Rindern. Das häufige Regnen und das milde Klima erlauben es, die Rinder das ganze Jahr über auf der Weide grasen zu lassen. Gesättigte Fette, die mit Herzerkrankungen verknüpft werden, sind in einem solchen Fleisch geringer.

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Here is what you need:Was Du benötigst:
Roastbeef (here 400 gr)Roastbeef (hier 400 gr)
Fresh rosemaryRosmarin, frisch
A good olive oilEin gutes Olivenöl
A clove of garlicEine Knoblauchzehe
Vegetables (here bell peppers and carrots)Gemüse (hier Paprika und Karotten)
Herb curd or sour creamKräuterquark oder Sour Cream
For the salad: tomatoes, one red onion, fresh basil, balsamic vinegarFür den Salat: Tomaten, 1 rote Zwiebel, frischen Basilikum, Balsamicoessig

First cut into the grease layer a few crossing lines.

Schneide die Fettschicht an - einige sich kreuzende Linien reichen aus

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Massage salt and pepper onto the roastbeef.

Massiere dann Salz und Pfeffer ein.

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Throw it into a hot pan with oil. Begin with the greasy side.

Brate das Stück scharf an, beginne mit der von der Fettschicht überzogenen Seite

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Roast the beef on each side for 3 to 4 minutes.

Brate jede Seite 3 - 4 Minuten an.

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In the meantime, you can take care of the potatoes. Do not peel them, wasch them thoroughly instead and then cut them. If you bought small ones you can just quarter them. Next, cut the rosemary needles.

In der Zwischenzeit Kartoffeln gründlich waschen und dann schneiden, gegebenenfalls nur vierteln. Schneide dann die Rosmarinnadeln.

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Mix potatoes and rosemary in a bowl and add three tablespoons of good olive oil.

Rühre das Rosmarin in einer Schüssel unter die Kartoffelecken und füge drei Esslöffel eines guten Olivenöls hinzu.

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Add chopped garlic if you want to, which you can leave away to.

Falls gewünscht, Knoblauch hinzufügen.

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Spread it out on baking paper.

Verteile den Inhalt als nächstes auf Backpapier

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Put the roastbeef along with vegetables of your choice into a roaster. I love to add bell peppers and carrots.
Now it is time to shove everything into the preheated oven.

Schiebe alles in den vorgeheizten Ofen. Füge falls gewünscht noch weiteres Gemüse in den Bräter zum Fleisch hinzu.

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A tomato salad with red and yellow tomatoes, a red onion and balsamic vinegar, olive oil and fresh basil is quickly prepared.

Ein Tomatensalat mit roten und gelben Tomaten, einer roten Zwiebel, Balsamicoessig, Olivenöl und frischem Basilikum ist schnell zubereitet.

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After 25 to 30 minutes on 200 degrees it is nearly done.

Nach 25 bis 30 Minuten ist das Essen fast fertig.

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Take the roastbeef out and wrap it into tin foil. Let it rest not for 8 to 10 minutes.

Nimm das Roastbeef raus und wickele es in Alufolie ein. Lass es dann 8 - 10 Minuten ruhen.

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Then you can go ahead and slice down thin and delicious layers.

Nun können dünne Scheiben abgeschnitten werden.
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Enjoy! I love to add some herb curd or sour cream as a dip for the tasty rosemary potatoes.

Genieße es! Als Dip für die Kartoffeln verwende ich gerne Kräuterquark oder Sour Cream.
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Dinner Food

Hey @anns, that was a fast reply. Thanks for that!

You had me at Rosemary! Amazing looking dish. The way you put everything into the oven is really cool. I have this sudden urge, we're doing potatoes with rosemary tonight, it's on! Thanks for sharing

Great to read that @gringalicious! And I just set another bookmark on one of your recipes. The No. 8 of your pumpkin selection is my No. 1 of the rich variety you are offering.

thank you @puffin. Steem ON!

I'm hungry right now. It looks delicious. Yummy.

Hi ines-f, vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar!

It is a very yummy dinner. Especially the rosemary potatoes are prepared so often in our kitchen :D.

yeah, rosemary potatoes are awesome, I love them too!

Oh, that looks delicious

It is lovely to read that. Many thanks @mikkolyytinen!

Lovely @puffin. This is a winner. Superb title and pictures. Thank you for posting. Cheers. we just need a poem to go with it.

@bleujay, you achieved to make me laugh out loud. Fantastic and witty response! Uff that is a tough one.

But if you picture a family get-together, lovely food and a cosy fireplace .. that is material for a poem alright :).

Will try this delicious meal soon! Thank you for this idea :-)

Great, I am glad you like it. Let me please know if you enjoyed it @ajaub1962!

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