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RE: Giving Away Tens of Thousands of Free Meals A Year Is Our LIFESTYLE, Not Just a Holiday Observance!

in #food7 years ago

It's fantastically rewarding work to feed folk less fortunate, I do my best as well I am homeless in England, In England there are over 1,000,000 children living in temporary accommodation & the number of homeless seems to increase daily from what I can see with my own eyes. I have a tent & a thermal sleeping bag & that makes me more fortunate than most.
I spent a night in a homeless shelter once it was like a hut really with donated sleeping bags and mats they opened at 11pm & closed at 8am they had a strict set of rules No drugs or alcohol anyone smelling of booze was refused entry & the night I spent there gave me an idea that I put into fruition.
I knew the shops & bakers wouldn't turn over out of date produce to me but I also knew that they had plenty of food that got thrown away at the end of every day that was going to waste. What I needed was someone to do the representing part for me they were never going to listen to a hobo so I went to all the local churches. It took a while I wanted the vicars not the parish, I figured a vicar was the right kind of person to do the deal playing on the Christian spirit a bit, I thought they would have a hard time saying No to me I was a door to door salesman for years & put that old skill back into practice. I wrote the spiel for them in advance, It took me to visit about a couple of dozen churches most of which I never got to meet the man in charge but in the end I got my result. I now deliver food & hygiene products like shampoo, toothpaste & deodorant to on average about 35 families with children in temporary accommodation & also supply & sometimes even cook for an all night cafe for all the homeless in the area to have a hot meal.
I have a great deal of respect for anyone that helps out the homeless most people don't understand that they are probably only one paycheck from being in the same position themselves there are many reasons people end up there.
Well done to your organization for doing what you do keep it up & expand if you can. please give every individual you have working there my extended gratitude & love from England.


Greetings and thanks for the acknowledgement and support.

Also thank you for doing something to help improve the world. We can all do something and honestly if everyone just did a little bit to help each other and make the world a better place we wouldn't have problems or at least hardly any especially the ones we currently have.

That's great to hear you're doing what you can! It's a really pathetic state of affairs here in the US - in many parts including our DFW metroplex it's actually illegal to help the homeless. For us, that's all the more reason to serve our fellow man!

My tent is against the law in England but they will never find it, I was lucky enough to find somewhere that nobody ever goes it's finding that perfect pitch. I don't know the law in the states it may vary but I know it here I wonder how similar it is.
We have Laws & we have Acts & they are very different although most people are unaware of it.
If we are stopped for breaching an Act it is the Law enforcers job to make us admit our guilt to it, If we don't admit it or even if we do not agree with the Act there isn't a thing they can do about it absolutely nothing.
What they will try to do & they are trained to do is get you to admit your guilt, They will say things like "Come on you know what you have done it will look better on you if you admit it", Its' a trick, If you go along with it you are done for.
I know this for a fact as I was a law enforcement officer & have been through the training of the powers of arrest PACE - Police & powers of arrest Act 1984.
Just because a law enforcement officer tells you that you are a criminal you should in no way assume he is right, His job is to make revenue for issuing fines he is a glorified salesman in most cases you will find he works for a private company NOT the public if you dig deeper & know your rights. In fact if he is wearing a police uniform there is a very good chance that he is actually breaking the law by 'Impersonating a police officer' although you would need a very good barrister to sue him for it as the courts operate the same system, They too are very often private companies seeking revenue for issuing fines & enslaving people in prisons for very cheap slave labour.
If you look into what a prison actually manufactures as a product to be sold to the private sector & see where the money ends up you will see this. It doesn't go back into the system it goes into a Fat cats pocket. They abolished the slavery on the plantations & just found another way to do it. That's why I strongly suspect that a high percentage of African Americans are in prison.

Yes we are well aware of the pathetic state of the "justice" system and police. You obviously have intimate experience with them, as do we after they sent a SWAT raid on our people, and one reason we encourage everyone to truly know their rights.

Just because a law enforcement officer tells you that you are a criminal you should in no way assume he is right...

QUESTION EVERYTHING!! ESPECIALLY if it is coming from an "officer", that's even more incentive NOT to believe the things they say. The "system" is very broken, and very much about making money.

Yes I have very intimate experience with them, It was my first career I did it for 4 years so it was more of an intimate experience with myself. They don't hassle me at all my tent is well hidden from public view. I don't beg or sit on the streets drinking so I'm of no concern to them. Vagrancy is an offence in England but they will only pull that as an excuse to arrest someone because they are being a nuisance. We have good & bad police here some are the salt of the Earth some are like Hitler. The reason I left that fold was because I didn't agree with most of the laws of the land. I used to get told off for being too lenient if I didn't personally see something as an offense I wouldn't enforce it. Back then it was a no no. Although these days I hear they actually train them to be a bit more like I was. In America I hear these days they are like a cross between the KGB in the 60s & the Gestapo in the 40s.

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