Marijuana Brigadeiro - Complete guide

in #food4 years ago


The famous marijuana brigadeiro is undoubtedly one of the best ways to consume marijuana if swallowed. Not only is it delicious, it is also safer for your health.

While smoking cannabis is much healthier than smoking tobacco, smoking is still a lung-irritating habit, or even unviable for many patients who use medicinal as well as recreational people (especially those with a high-risk history). breathing problems).

Because of this, the Brisadeiro, Brigadeironha or Brigonha has brought a lot of joy and every self-respecting pothead should know how to make a good marijuana brigadeiro. So check out our complete guide below to get the most out of this experience.

How does the marijuana brigadeiro work?
The effects of eating cannabis are very different from the effects of smoking a joint. When we eat something prepared with marijuana our body metabolizes THC through the liver, converting it to the 11-hydroxy-THC molecule, which is a metabolite that efficiently spreads through the bloodstream, producing a much more intense effect!

Because THC needs to be digested and metabolized by our liver, it takes much longer to feel its effects. However, the effects will last much longer than when we smoke because this process is slower. When marijuana is smoked, its effects are felt immediately, but when ingested, the effects can take hours, which makes dosing difficult.

Marijuana Brigadeiro Recipe
To make cannabis butter we will use:

50g Butter
5g of Marijuana
2 cups of water
To the brigadier:

50g Cannabis Butter
1 can of condensed milk
1 Bar of Dark Chocolate (or 4 tablespoons of powdered chocolate)

First, it is important to perform THC decarboxylation. To make cannabis butter simply put the butter and water over low heat and when it begins to boil add the cannabis. The water will cause the butter not to overheat, preserving the properties of THC, which will be extracted into butter as it is fat soluble. This procedure may take a while:

20 minutes low on THC
1 hour average use of THC
2:00 hours high utilization of THC

When the time comes, just put this mixture in a pot and cool. This way the remaining water from this process will separate from the butter, so you just have to puncture the surface of the cannabis butter and drain the water.

Now you can make your brigadier by mixing condensed milk, chocolate and cannabis butter, always over low heat stirring continuously so as not to burn at the bottom.

Safe Consumption
Now that we know how to make a cannabis brigadeiro and how our bodies metabolize it, it is important to know how to dose. Each body works differently, some people are less resistant and others need a higher dosage to feel any effect. If you have never eaten, we advise you to take it easy not to sequel. It is advisable not to consume more than three tablespoons of brigadeiro. If possible, expect to experience effects from the first dose before taking again. We advise you to use natural cannabis for any culinary procedure!

Tolerance User Experience Suggested Dosage
Very Low Beginner THC: <5mg
Low Some THC Experience: 6-10mg
Experienced Average THC: 11-25mg
High Very Experienced THC: 26-80mg
Very High Expert THC: 80 + mg

What to do if you consume too much marijuana brigadeiro?

Do not panic: In the clinical sense it is almost impossible to have an overdose of THC. Some discomfort may happen, but it will pass.

If Moisturizing: Eating cannabis can also cause the “dry mouth” effect, so it is always important to stay hydrated.

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