Recipe - Healthy and savory herbal cookies

in #food7 years ago

These crumbly cookies are so easy to whip up and are healthy to boot.

No bad ingredients in these cookies!

(Now I have to admit to you that I completely forgot to take pictures of these cookies... I'm looking through my phone images and there isn't even one! So sorry...)

While avoiding sugar for a few days, I wanted to find something to sate my hunger. I ate veggies, but that wasn't enough. I wanted cookies!

Ofcourse, there were plenty of chocolate cookies around to try and lure me into their sweet embrace, but I would not budge! Not this time! Browsing the internet for buckwheat flour recipes didn't give me anything good, but it gave me an idea. Why not make savory cookies?

Normally, sugar (or some other sweet ingredient) enhances the taste of a cookie. This was out of the question, but wait, herbs can enhance flavors aswell! Actually, I swore off sugar, so salt was okay this time too! This made me think about the savory cookies with tomato/cheese/herbs/etc. Those were store-bought, but why not make something like that myself?

So I found a buckwheat cookies recipe, simply left out over half of the ingredients, and went to work! My measurements were a bit off, meaning I didn't use enough flour for the amount of coconut oil I was using, but that was quickly rectified.

These cookies give off the most amazing, herbal smell while in the oven! Once out of the oven, they turned out really crumbly (use a plate or your hand as a plate while eating these), but oh so delicious!

Let's get onto the recipe, shall we?


  • 150g Buckwheat flour
  • 80g Coconut oil
  • 1/2 Tsp baking soda
  • 1 Tsp lemon juice
  • 3 Tsp mix of basil/oregano/Thyme herbs (Italian mix)
  • Sea salt for sprinkling


  1. Preheat the oven to 190C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Mix all ingredients, except the sea salt.
  3. Scoop small heaps of dough onto your baking sheet with a spoon and sprinkle them with salt.
  4. Put them in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Take them out and let them cool off completely.


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Ill jsut vote again when its back to 80 % with my main.

Hah, needs a bit of rest huh? I should really take it easy on the votes aswell today! Been throwing them around a bit too much this morning :-)

Thanks for sharing this can come in handy for diabetes too. But what is buckwheat please explain or take a picture. Thank you!

Google says this:

While many people think that buckwheat is a cereal grain, it is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel making it a suitable substitute for grains for people who are sensitive to wheat or other grains that contain protein glutens.

In stores, it's most likely close to other kinds of flour at the baking goods. You can also get the full seeds I think, though I've never tried that before.

whoa what a cutie owl :D

Isn't it? I didn't make the owl though, it was a free to use commercially kinda thing I edited for my Steemit t-shirt :-)

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