Last night's dinner menu

in #food7 years ago

We had guests over yesterday!

Yesterday evening, my boyfriend's sister and his cousin came over for dinner. It was a fun evening and it was nice to catch up. We live a bit over an hour away from them, so we don't see his family often. That'll change this summer, which is when we'll move over there and I'll be that far away from my family! Eventually, I hope we can find a place inbetween, but for now, it's a good and cheap solution.

Anyways! They came over for dinner, because I had promised his sister I would warn her, the next time I made dessert. His cousin got an invite aswell, because he hasn't been here before and we had already been over at his place twice. It was our turn now!

I lured them in with dessert, which was my Minty chocolate fudge cake:
Minty chocolate fudge cake

They both liked it, though they hadn't had mint chocolate before. They weren't the biggest fan of that combination, but it worked for the cake. I, myself, love minty chocolate, so this cake is heaven to me. I told them I could skip the mint next time I make it, because I understand not everyone likes minty chocolate!

Okay, I really don't understand, but I accept... reluctantly...

For dinner, I went for an easily upscalable recipe, which was my Prea cream pasta:
Pea cream pasta

They really liked this one and figured they should try to make this themselves sometime aswell! It always makes me happy to hear these things and I'm glad they liked it. It's one of my favorites aswell and quite easy to make.

So that's what was on the menu last night! I figured, while I'm out of new ideas, I might aswell show a few older ones. I don't think the pasta got a lot of attention a couple of months back, so this was my chance to put it back into the spotlight. Hope you like it!

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Both recipes taken from my own foodblog. They're floating around somewhere on my Steemit blog aswell.


Are there actually places in the world where mint chocolate is not a thing? ;)

Yes! Well we have some in the Netherlands, but it's really a bare minimum... this weird country does not seem to embrace the heavenly combination that is chocolate and mint. I am ashamed of my country :-(

Looks pretty tasty, thanks for sharing this

Thank you! I'm glad you like it. It really was quite tasty :-)

Lovely dinner)) You are a wonderful hostess)))

Amaziinngg !! :) followed and upvoted

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :D

Looking great! Upvoted and following.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :-)

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