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RE: Packet Meals - Chicken Korma

in #food7 years ago

Nicely done and also respect for cooking the rice via stovetop method, I've always been a rice cooker fan myself so never tried, also it looks too hard !!

What are Packet Meals out of curiosity?! Is that another term for meal prep =\


Rice Cookers - great when they work, and simple, but so often I find they are just as much trouble as the stove with a bit more containment of the mess. Stove top with a lid on is great when it works like this time.

Packet Meals - Pretty much any of those 'just add x ingredient' things, where you find that you actually need to add 5 or 6 other things as well. Usually in a box or shelf stable packet, but I had a jar of korma paste and figured it would fit into this category at a stretch. Allows me to do something with a Chicken Tonight jar or something in the future.

For my packet meals posts I'm also mostly following the recipe on the packet, which is not how I ever make things normally. Too easy to add some extra things to make them even better.

Really!? I’ve never had a batch of rice turn out bad with a rice cooker haha isn’t that the point of them? Meant to be foolproof i think but if not measured properly or the wrong setting is used it can definitely be a disaster.

ah yes I get you on the packet meals! Lol Chicken Tonight always reminds me of those ads they used to have on tv “I feel like chicken tonight”

That's why rice cookers frustrate me so much. They're supposed to be simple. put rice in. put liquid in. flick switch. come back to warm cooked rice. I always come back to cooked rice, sure. But I also come back to mess, and all the rice around the outside is scorched. Great if you want a bit of crispy rice in your dish, but otherwise, a waste of rice. Not usually too much, but still frustrating. And harder to clean up because of.

And I've used multiple brands and sizes. The current one (a super cheap one from big w or similar) is one of the better ones I've used, and I do usually use it because of my mess making habit as even with the mess and likely crispy bits, it's easier than the clean up of the whole stove top...

Those bloody ads! So effective. We all still remember that jingle

I don't want to assume you're doing it wrong because I'm sure you're not, but are you leveling the rice using the provided rice cooker cup and also measuring the water properly?! I never have a mess in my rice cooker and I just use a Panasonic one from The Good Guys lol

In any case, good skill to be able to make stovetop rice :)

Yup. Doesn't seem to matter if I take care for it to be exact amounts or if it's just 'near enough'. Main thinking is that the book suggests slightly too high an amount of water, even thought 2:1 ratio is pretty much what you want in most cases.

Sometimes is could be because I'm making what the book says is capacity (2 cups in the case of our households current one) and really it isn't capable of doing that. Other times I think it's just because of a poor seal between the lid and the non-stick cooking vessel.

Haha man it seems like you’re cursed with rice cookers. Well luckily you have the skills of stovetop rice cooking down pat so no worries!

I certainly hope I've got it nailed now. Cleanup isn't the most fun thing. Though I do it because you have to, it's not great to clean up an unnecessary spill

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