@paulawonders Recreation - Moroccan Ribboned Carrot Raddicchio Salad - Recipe by @gringalicious

in #food6 years ago


Hello everyone!

Today I decided to try again a recipe of the dear @gringalicious. I chose to make this salad Moroccan Ribboned Carrot Raddicchio Salad.


Olá a todos!

Hoje decidi experimentar novamente uma receita da querida @gringalicious. Escolhi fazer esta salada de Cenoura e Chicória Marroquina.



This salad called me to the attention because of its different and beautiful colors and textures, and also for being quite healthy and fit the Paleo diet.


Esta salada chamou-me bastante à atenção por causa das suas diferentes e lindíssimas cores e texturas, e também por ser bastante saudável e se enquadrar na alimentação Paleo.



As main ingredients it takes carrots, raddicchio, onions, kale leaves, dates and dried cranberries.


Como ingredientes principais leva cenoura, chicória, cebola, folhas de couve, tâmaras e arandos desidratados.



In my opinion this salad is very tasty. I confess I had never used dates or cranberries in salads and I was quite surprised, because they look great, give it a sweet touch.

If you want to know the recipe, click here.

Try it well worth it!



Na minha opinião esta salada é muito saborosa. Confesso que nunca tinha utilizado tâmaras nem arandos em saladas e fiquei bastante surpreendida, pois ficam muito bem, dão-lhe um toque doce.

Se quiserem saber a receita acedam aqui.

Experimentem vale a pena!


Recipe by @gringalicious
Recreation by @paulawonders

Hope you like it!



I think Carrots and onions are going to make them sweet.
Ooh how are they sweet @paulawonders?

I'm always humbled when people recreate my recipes and post them, especially when they do so as beautifully as you. Very well done!

Thank you so much! 😃 You are very kind 😃

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